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Below you can follow our international news starting from January 2020.


KSUAE Foreign student particpates in the Republican Interuniversity Festival "Foreign Student Day"

The International Seminar for Road Industry Specialists “Silk Road 2024” has started at KSUAE

KSUAE took part in the International conference "Architecture. Construction. Transport. Economy" (St. Petersburg)

KSUAE took part in the X International Conference "Technologies, Organization and Management in Construction - 2024"

KSUAE academic staff for experience change at the Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Engineering (Uzbekistan)

KSUAE organized the International Conference “Reinforced Concrete and Stone Structures: Present and Future”

KSUAE took part in the international forums "REBUS 2024" and "ROSTKI"

KSUAE staff took part in an international conference at the Russian University of Transport

KSUAE graduation projects at the XXXIII International Competition on Architecture, Design and Art

KSUAE hosted guests from Northeastern University of China and Russian Institute of Transport

KSUAE student is among the best in the International competition of architectural projects Arch Skilled

KSUAE took part in the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference on Road Construction Problems (Minsk)

KSUAE took part in the session "Traditional architecture" of the International scientific forum

KSUAE students - the winners of the IV International Construction Championship

KSUAE foreign students visited interesting places of Tatarstan

KSUAE professors on internship in Samarkand (Uzbekistan)

KSUAE Professor together with young scientists took part in the 1st International Conference "VladStroyTech 2024"

KSUAE Professor A.M. Ziganshin on a scientific internship in China

KSUAE Rector took part in the section "Rector's Hour" of the international forum "Kazan Digital Week"

KSUAE Associate Professor took part in the XI international forum "Technoprom-2024"

KSUAE students, as part of the Tatarstan delegation, participate in the international project of the “Bosphorus” in Türkiye

KSUAE students teams take part in the construction of the El-Dabaa nuclear power plant in Cairo (Egypt)

KSUAE Foreign students - participants of BRICS events in Kazan

KSUAE international students took part in the People's Friendship Parade

KSUAE Foreign student - “Miss Tenderness” of the student competition “Pearl of the World 2024”

KSUAE international students celebrated Russian Language Day and the 225th anniversary of the great poet A.S. Pushkin

One more meeting of the KSUAE Speaking club “Let’s speak Russian”

KSUAE academic staff and students took part in the international exhibition and forum ARCH Moscow 2024

KSUAE hosted the International Conference “Buildpolymers-24”

KSUAE Foreign students met with the Minister of Youth Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan

KSUAE Foreign students took an active part in the “Friendship of Peoples” Spartakiad in Kazan

KSUAE hosted Student Festival "International Spring Fest 2024"

KSUAE staff completed an internship at Yıldız Technical University (Istanbul, Türkiye)

Over 1000 scientists took part in the KSUAE 75th International Scientific Conference “Sociotechnical Construction”

The 75th International Scientific Conference “Sociotechnical Construction” has started at KSUAE

KSUAE Foreign students of the Russian language preparatory course visited the Museums of Kazan

The third meeting of the Speaking club “Let’s speak Russian” for international students

International Students of the KSUAE Russian language course with the visit to the Museum of the famous Tatar poet Gabdulla Tukay

The second meeting of the KSUAE Speaking club “Let’s speak Russian”

KSUAE International students at «Games of the Future»

Belarusian Republican Association of Road Organizations "BELASDOR" with the visit to KSUAE

KSUAE invites you to participate in the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Polymers in Construction”

International Students of the KSUAE Russian language course with the visit to the largest National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan

KSUAE architecture students were successful at the prestigious international competition Dokdo Guesthouse Design in South Korea

Phenomenal victory of KSUAE architecture students in Japan

Scientists in the field of construction from Kazakhstan with the visit to KSUAE


New Year meeting at the KSUAE Speaking club "Let's speak Russian"

New Speaking club "Let's speak Russian" for KSUAE international students

Our students took II award at the XI International Architectural Drawing Competition

League of Students of the Republic of Tatarstan on meeting with our international students

KSUAE took part in the II International Symposium of the Russian National Committee of ICOMOS

Representatives of Shandong University (China) with the visit to KSUAE

KSUAE in the jury of the International competition of architectural projects ArchSkilled

KSUAE took an active part in the 17th Asian Geotechnical Conference “Smart Geotechnics for Smart Societies” (Kazakhstan)

The ideas of KSUAE architecture students again among the best at the international level!

KSUAE took part in the 16th International Congress on Cement Chemistry (ICCC 2023)

KSUAE students at the International construction sites of Rosatom

KSUAE students became winners of the V International championship in the field of digital technologies DigitalSkills

KSUAE took an active part in the International Forum Kazan Digital Week 2023

The representatives of China Universities with a friendly visit to KSUAE

Young scientists are welcome to the II OIC International Youth Scientific Congress in Kazan

The Association of International Students of KSUAE took part in the XI All-Russian Congress of Foreign Students of Russia

General meeting at KSUAE with 1st year international students

Victory of students-architects of KSUAE in the international architectural competition AIA Phoenix Metro Design Ideas, USA!

Representatives of educational organizations of the People's Republic of China visited KSUAE

Teachers of KSUAE completed an internship at HAUS in Aydin (Türkiye)

Our international students in St. Petersburg at the II Summit and the Economic and Humanitarian "Russia-Africa"

Our international students - winners of the All-Russian Online Olympiad in Russian as a Foreign Language


Student of KSUAE - Head of the International student construction team "Lotos" in Bangladesh

International students of KSUAE took part in the Peoples' Friendship Parade, dedicated to the Day of Russia

KSUAE took an active part in the International Exhibition-Forum ARCH Moscow 2023

The KSUAE-1 team - bronze medalists of the International Engineering Championship CASE-IN 2023!

Our international students participated in the Russian language Olympiad

KSUAE hosted the 17th International scientific conference "Higher and secondary vocational education in Russia: yesterday, today, tomorrow"

KSUAE at the XIV International forum "Russia - the Islamic world: KazanForum 2023"

The KSUAE team became the finalists of the Special League within the CASE-IN International Engineering Championship!

The final plenary session of the 74th International Scientific Conference "Sociotechnical construction" at KSUAE

International applicants from Kazan Universities visited KSUAE in the Welcome Day

The team of KSUAE - the winner of the International Olympiad in Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation

Welcome Day at KSUAE for international applicants, 23rd April, 12 p.m!

Students of KSUAE - the winners of the II round of the Open International Internet Olympiad

Students of KSUAE are the winners of the International Olympiad in Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation (master's degree)!

KSUAE hosted the participants of the round table within the IX International Conference "Gas Transportation Systems: Present and Future"

Our students - winners of the II round of the Open International Internet Olympiad in maths and physics

"Delicious quarter" - the future of the industrial zone of the city of Hanoi, or how students-architects of KSUAE won in Vietnam

In honor of the "Navruz" holiday, the Festival of National Cuisine of the Peoples of the World was held in KSUAE

Students of KSUAE Urban planning dept became finalists of the International Winter Baikal Urban Planning University

The 1st International Scientific and Practical Design Forum “Platform” took place at KSUAE

KSUAE hosted the International Mother Language Day for students of the course of Russian as a foreign language

KSUAE, Industrial Cluster of the Republic of Tatarstan and Satbayev University (Kazakhstan) agreed on cooperation

Foreign students of the Russian language course visited the Open Day of KSUAE


New Year meeting of students of the course of Russian as a foreign language

Architect from Kazakhstan, professor of architecture Saken Narynov: “In KSUAE I saw the best that could be!”

Rector of KSUAE R.K. Nizamov took part in the International Forum on the World Cultural and Natural Heritage

Our students-architects again the winners of the award in architecture of the hospitality industry Radical Innovation (USA)!

KSUAE took part in the VIII International Conference "Technologies, organization and management in construction - 2022"

KSUAE took part in the II International St. Petersburg Historical Forum

KSUAE took an active part in the International specialized exhibition-forum "Road 2022"

II International Construction Championship: awards of KSUAE students in the national team of Tatarstan

A meeting with foreign students was held at KSUAE

KSUAE Architecture school at the Lisbon Triennial of Architecture (Portugal)

Research, design and construction organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan visited KSUAE

Scientists and students of KSUAE took an active part in the International Forum Kazan Digital Week 2022

KSUAE held the Panel session "Information technologies in the construction and road transport industry" within the "Kazan Digital Week"

Experts of the XXXI International Competition gave lectures on religious architecture at KSUAE

The Conference "Science and Universities" at KSUAE within the XXXI International Competition-Exposition

KSUAE and the Tabriz Islamic Art University (Iran) signed a Memorandum of understanding

The XXXI International Competition-Exposition of Graduate Qualification Works in Architecture, Design and Art at KSUAE

Architecture students of KSUAE became finalists of the international competition Q-City in China

Students of KSUAE took part in the Peoples' Friendship Parade

International conference "Digital Transformation in Higher and Professional Education" at KSUAE

New chairman of the Association of Foreign Students of KSUAE

Teachers and graduate students of KSUAE undertook the international internship in Israel

Foreign students of KSUAE organized an evening of the poetry and culture of their countries

KSUAE took part in the XIII International Economic Summit "Russia - Islamic World: KazanSummit 2022"

Plenary session of the 73rd International Conference and III International Conference STCCE-2022 held at KSUAE

73rd International Scientific Conference on the Problems of Architecture and Construction held at KSUAE

Student of KSUAE became the winner of the IX International Olympiad in the Tatar language and literature

Representatives of Saint-Gobain company visited KSUAE

Our students leaders of the International Olympiad in Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation

Meeting with KSUAE foreign students

General Director of Huawei Tech Company LLC (Eurasia) Li Tianye visited KSUAE

Linguistic Club is open by the Association of Foreign Students of KSUAE

Winners of the International competition of projects of the Tatar theater at KSUAE

Our architecture students among the winners of the USA international competition!

Our students drawings at the International competition "Drawing of the Year" (Denmark)

Participation in the seminar within the Erasmus+ international project on architectural heritage


KSUAE as a co-organiser of the International youth business incubator in Kazan

7th Graduation ceremony of the dual degree programme KSUAE-UEL

KSUAE academic staff completed an internship at the leading universities in Finland

KSUAE academic staff completed a two-week internship in Hungary and Italy

Our students in Italy (University of Basilicata) as Erasmus+ mobility participants

An architect from Switzerland, an expert in urban planning, met with KSUAE students

KSUAE again becomes the only Russian university at the international exhibition Biennale of Architecture in Venice (Italy) 2021!

A meeting with foreign students was held at KSUAE

Italian architect Elio Fiorini gave a lecture for KSUAE students-designers

KSUAE student Taliya Nurutdinova with the presentation of her internship at the BIG architectural bureau (Denmark)

Kazan-Telematics LLC and ComBox Technology visited KSUAE

KSUAE took part in the VIII International Construction Forum and Exhibition "100+ TechnoBuild"

KSUAE took part in the International Conference "Construction of high-quality and safe roads using cement concrete and mineral binders"

KSUAE and the company "World Medical and ZINNAT" LLC signed the cooperation Agreement

Our graduates final projects were awarded at the XXX International review-competition in architecture and design

KSUAE took an active part in the International Forum Kazan Digital Week 2021

KSUAE at the XXIV Global Conference TCI 2021 

KSUAE hosted the UTEST company, a leading manufacturer of test equipment

Seminar WP2 within the Erasmus+ international project on architectural heritage

GRADUATION PROJECT PRESENTATIONS 2021, within the dual degree programme KSUAE-UEL

6th Graduation ceremony for the graduates 2020 of the dual degree programme KSUAE-UEL

Students of our British degree programme took an international online course on the "green" building standards BREEAM AG

The 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference STCCE-2021 has completed its work at KSUAE

KSUAE took part in the world campaign “Earth Hour”

Students' League of the Republic of Tatarstan meets with our international students

First results of the Open International students’ Internet-Olympiad on resistance of materials

First results of the Open International Students' Internet Olympiad on mechanics

Our architecture students acquire skills only from the professionals!

KSUAE took part in the Kick off Meeting within the Erasmus+ International project "Capacity Building in Sustainablity for Architectural Heritage" (SAH)

Our academic staff and students took part in the webinar "How can startups help the construction industry become more circular?"
Seminar for academic staff within the dual degree programme

KSUAE participated in the Erasmus+ Grant-holders' meeting 

Students are invited to participate in the International competition Steel2Real'21

Collaboration Agreement signed with the Construction Cluster of Slovenia (CCS)

Students of the dual degree programme at the International online course on the "green" building standards BREEAM AG



Our students among the best at the International competition "Drawing of the Year 2020" (Denmark)

KSUAE participation in International Architecture Festival "Zodchestvo 2020"

Our students among the best at the International architectural competition in China

KSUAE participated in the International Forum KAZAN DIGITAL WEEK - 2020

KSUAE exposition at the International exhibition ARCH Moscow 2020

Our student project became the finalist of the International architectural competition in the USA

KSUAE as an independent expert at the major International urban planning competition in Almetyevsk city

KSUAE application selected for EU co-funding within the Erasmus+ Programme 2020!



Remote meeting between the KSUAE and the University of East London (UEL)

Free food packages for international students living in our hostels

Our student as the winner of International Olympiad in Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation!

Visit of the LafargeHolcim representatives to KSUAE
