KSUAE hosted Student Festival "International Spring Fest 2024"


KSUAE hosted Student Festival "International Spring Fest 2024"

KSUAE hosted the Student Festival International Spring Fest 2024, which brought together and united creative and talented students from 17 countries: Chad, Benin, Morocco, Mozambique, Colombia, Ecuador, Zambia, Senegal, Congo, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Afghanistan, Mauritania, Tajikistan, Angola and Russia.

Foreign students of the Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan State Institute of Culture and Volga Region State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism took an active part in the Festival. The goals of the Festival are to demonstrate, recognize and encourage the creative achievements of foreign students, identify the most promising students, faster and more successful socialization among students, familiarize themselves with the culture, history and traditions of different peoples of the world living in the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan. The organizers of the Festival were the KSUAE Association of Foreign Students and the KSUAE Department of International Relations.

In the first part of the Festival, KSUAE foreign students presented the most typical national sweets of their countries: kaak, mahalabiya, achonmon, hama, basbousa and others. Teachers, students and guests of the event had the opportunity to try and evaluate the culinary abilities of the children in a welcoming atmosphere.

In the second part of the festive evening, the KSUAE Rector Rashit Nizamov solemnly greeted all the participants and guests of the Festival, wished everyone creative success and good luck, noting that KSUAE is always glad to see foreign students and supports them in every possible way.

Foreign students sang national songs and read poems in 8 languages of the world, including the state languages of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russian and Tatar, and also showed the bright colors of national dances and musical instruments. All performances found a lively response from the audience, who greeted each participant with thunderous applause. Among the guests of the Festival were representatives of the Republican youth public organization "Youth Assembly of the Peoples of Tatarstan", foreign students of various Kazan universities, as well as teachers and students of KSUAE.

At the end of the event, all the Festival participants got diplomas, and all participants and spectators sang the Russian song “Katyusha” together on the eve of the significant holiday - Victory Day, 9 May.

All participants and spectators shared enthusiastic feedbacks of the Festival, noted the high level of preparation, expressed sincere gratitude to its organizers and wished that such a wonderful holiday would be repeated again and again.

More photos here

The News is submitted by International Relations Dept of the University.
