KSUAE students, as part of the Tatarstan delegation, participate in the international project of the “Bosphorus” in Türkiye


KSUAE students, as part of the Tatarstan delegation, participate in the international project of the “Bosphorus” in Türkiye

"Bosphorus" is an international student construction team of the Youth All-Russian public organization "Russian Student Teams", the State Corporation "Rosatom" and JSC "CONCERN TITAN-2".

Almost every summer, nuclear industry special teams are sent to the construction of the Akkuyu nuclear power plant in Türkiye. Participants of the Bosphorus will spend their working semester as part of JSC CONCERN TITAN-2.

Albert Allaberdin, Ilnaz Abbazov and Anil Bashirov participate from KSUAE as part of the Tatarstan detachment to build the nuclear power plant.

More photos here

The News is submitted by International Relations Dept of the University.
