KSUAE international students celebrated Russian Language Day and the 225th anniversary of the great poet A.S. Pushkin


KSUAE international students celebrated Russian Language Day and the 225th anniversary of the great poet A.S. Pushkin

On June 6, 2024, we celebrated the 225th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding poet, playwright and literary figure Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, as well as International Russian Language Day. Various events were held throughout Russia: theatrical projects, film adaptations, readings, conferences, exhibitions.

In Kazan, every year, admirers of Alexander Sergeevich’s lyrics gather on June 6 near the monument to Pushkin near the building of the Opera and Ballet Theater named after M. Jalil, where they talk about literature, lay flowers and, of course, read the poems of the great poet.

So, foreign students of the preparatory course of the Russian language of KSUAE from Turkey, Algeria, Mauritania, Yemen, Tunisia, Ecuador, with the assistance of the KSUAE International Relations Dept., as well as teachers of the Russian language, joined this significant event: they took part in the festive laying of flowers at the monument to A.Pushkin, listened to the poet’s poems and romances performed by cultural figures of Tatarstan, members of the Writers’ Union of Tatarstan and Russia.

At KSUAE, foreign students of the Russian language preparatory course attended a lecture on the work of A.S. Pushkin, learned interesting facts from his daily life, and also learned a lot of interesting things about the poet’s visit to Kazan in 1833.

Students also took part in a competition for the best reader of the poet’s works, citing the poem “I Remember a Wonderful Moment...”, excerpts from the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, an excerpt from “Tatyana’s Letter to Onegin” and the fairy tale “About Tsar Saltan”. Members of the jury from among the 1st year students of the Institute of Economics and Management in Construction of KSUAE noted the best readers who read the poems of Pushkin expressively, competently and emotionally. They were students from Turkey and Mauritania. The best readers were awarded books with the writer's works, as well as incentive prizes.

More photos here and here

The News is submitted by International Relations Dept of the University.
