The third meeting of the Speaking club “Let’s speak Russian” for international students
The KSUAE Speaking club “Let's speak Russian” for international students continues its activity. The goal of the club is the sociocultural adaptation of international students in the educational environment, improving their interaction with Russian students, as well as increasing interest in the Russian language and overcoming the language barrier.
On March 28, 2024, at the initiative of the KSUAE Department of International Relations, the third meeting of the club was held, where KSUAE foreign students of from Ecuador, Algeria, Turkey, Mauritania, Peru, Chad, Cameroon, including students of the preparatory course of the Russian language, as well as their teachers, took part. In addition, a group of Russian 1st year students from the Institute of Economics and Management in Construction of KSUAE took an active part in the event.
The meeting was dedicated to the diversity of gestures and their meanings in Russia and other countries of the world. We receive more than 55% of information about the interlocutor through his movements, postures, appearance, facial expressions and gestures. About 38% - through the voice, its timbre, intonation and volume. Only 7-8% - through the words. Moreover, each nation has its own language of nonverbal communication. For example, the same gesture in different cultures can mean opposite things. The language of non-verbal communication is very important and should be learned just like any other foreign language.
Russian students made a presentation about gestures in Russia. Foreign participants of the meeting shared the features of gestures used in their country, as well as among young people. The participants of the meeting also played a silent game, when each student should guess from the gestures and facial expressions of the audience what is shown in the picture unknown to him. Everyone quickly got involved in the game, which turned out to be funny and entertaining.
Since today all participants are connected by the Russian language of communication, the organizers decided to test their level of Russian language proficiency by answering oral test questions on grammar and vocabulary and quickly reading tongue twisters in Russian.
The meeting program contributed to the creation of a friendly atmosphere and enrichment of cultural horizons. Foreign students actively used their conversational skills in the Russian language, overcoming the language barrier and expanding their vocabulary. The conversation club “Let's speak Russian” welcomes new participants and invites all interested foreign students, as well as Russian students, to join the club.
We express our deep gratitude to the KSUAE academic center “Urban planning” for their hospitality.
More photos here
The News is submitted by International Relations Dept of the University.