President of Tatarstan with the visit to the University


The President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov visited our academic and research centers "Technologies" and "Roads".

The guests of the University were shown the capacity of the new research and educational centers "Technologies" and "Roads", their advantages in solving educational and research issues, modern equipment that allows developing high-quality building materials and structures on the local raw material base, and also innovative developments of the University researchers aimed at reducing the import of durable aggregate, cement and metal into the Republic of Tatarstan.

“An excellent base, a very high level of professionals who work there (within the KSUAE), - pointed the President of Tatarstan. “Of course, we must use all technologies and our students should get the highest level of education, all opportunities are there.” The President  nominated our University as "the most worthy higher educational institution", "the best today, the most promising" University.



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Students of the dual degree programme at the International online course on the "green" building standards BREEAM AG


Currently several students of the dual degree programme KSUAE-UEL are taking an International online course, a program of additional professional education on the "green" building standards BREEAM AG. This course has become possible and accessible to our students thanks to cooperation with the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering. For the course our students of civil engineering and architecture specialties were selected who are interested in working with green building standards.

The programme was developed by the Moscow University in cooperation with the Russian Council for Green Building and the Built Environment Education Academy of Great Britain (BRE Academy). Great Britain is one of the world leaders in green building. The BREEAM program was launched in the country in 1990, and is still very popular today.

The online course is being implemented for the second time, this year it runs from November 2020 to January 2021. The program is fully adapted for national higher education institutions, taking into account the practice of green building in the Russian Federation. The course is held on the platform of the BRE Academy. After training the participants are issued a certificate of the international standard BRE Academy.

We wish all our students successful completion of the programme and improve their professional level!

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KSUAE associate professor among winners of the scholarship competition of the President of Russia for 2021-2023


The winners of the competitive selection were 587 young scientists and graduate students who carry out promising research and development in priority areas of modernization of the Russian economy. The scholarship is awarded for up to three years.

This time the record number of applications were accepted for the competition - 3181. The increase in the number of competition applications compared to 2013 was 92%.

The winner of the competition for a scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation became Rustem Mukhametrakhimov, our young scientist, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the KSUAE Department of Construction Production Technologies, with the project “Development and implementation of new form-stable composite materials based on mineral binders, adapted for additive technological processes in construction (3D printing)".

Our congratulations!


Rector R.Nizamov took part in the meeting of the President of Tatarstan and all Kazan University rectors


On December 28, 2020, the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov held a meeting with regional university rectors and academics. The Rector of our University Rashit Nizamov took part in it too.

The President of Tatarstan emphasized that 2020 was a serious challenge for the education system. The situation with the pandemic has made its own adjustments to the educational process. Assessing the results of the year, the President of the Republic of Tatarstan noted that the Republic's universities coped with the difficulties caused by Covid-19, fully having completed educational programs, and successfully having completed the 2020 admission campaign, including the use of the new online format. He specified that scientific and educational potential is the most important competitive advantage of Tatarstan.

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KSUAE as part of the Regional Research and Education Consortium

Our Rector Prof. Rashit Nizamov and Vice Rector for Research Evgeniy Vdovin took part in the ceremony of signing the Agreement on the scientific and educational consortium in the field of industrial and environmental safety, energy supervision and construction supervision. The Consortium includes Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering, Kazan National Research Technological University and Kazan State Power Engineering University. The Agreement was signed by Rectors of these three universities. The collaboration relates to vocational education, training and retraining of personnel, and audit of production facilities.
The President of  the Republic of Tatarstan supported this project because of its great necessity. 
Rashit Nizamov noted the importance of the project and expressed confidence in the success of the consortium: "We have been training highly qualified specialists for many years, our University has huge experience in industry tasks implementation, our projects are successfully carried out, we clearly set tasks and fulfill them".   
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