KSUAE Master student developed a program for selecting the grade of bitumen according to the PG system


KSUAE Master student developed a program for selecting the grade of bitumen according to the PG system

Danif Samatov, a Master student of the KSUAE Department of Digital Road Technologies, has developed a program for selecting a bitumen binder grade according to PG.The BitOptima program he developed automates the process of selecting the optimal bitumen binder grade according to the PG system based on calculations of adjusted temperatures of pavement layers. It takes into account climatic data, the thickness of material layers and loads, helping engineers quickly select the appropriate material. Thanks to this, errors are eliminated and calculation time is reduced.

PG (Performance Grade) is a classification system for road bitumens based on their performance characteristics at different temperatures. Unlike previously used standards that determine the bitumen grade by viscosity or penetration, the PG system takes into account real climatic conditions and loads to which the road surface is subjected. The PG classification includes two temperature indicators: high (for example, PG 76) and low (for example, -22), which indicates the range of temperatures in which the bitumen retains its properties. This approach allows the use of materials that are resistant to deformation at high temperatures and cracking at low temperatures.

PG bitumens are widely used in road construction, especially in the design of asphalt concrete pavements for highways, airfields and other objects with high loads. They allow to extend the service life of roads, reduce repair costs and adapt the pavement to specific climatic conditions of the region.

The News is submitted by International Relations Dept of the University.

KSUAE Young scientists completed a scientific placement at Northeastern University in Shenyang (China)


KSUAE Young scientists completed a scientific internship at Northeastern University in Shenyang (China)

KSUAE Young scientists — assistants E.V. Novitsky in the context of polymer composite materials research and S.V. Permyakov in the field of research into the properties of soil foundations and rocks passed a week-long scientific internship at Northeastern University in Shenyang (China).

They visited advanced laboratories in the field of studying modern building materials, rocks and soil mechanics. They also met with leading scientists and postgraduate students of the Department of Civil Engineering. The practical part of the internship included a set of tests of reinforced concrete structures and rocks and soil materials. The theoretical and practical results obtained are of great relevance in the field of transport construction in the Republic of Tatarstan.

Northeastern University (NEU) in Shenyang is one of the leading state universities in China in the field of training civil engineering personnel. The internship under the Algarysh program will allow us to establish a dialogue between scientists from our universities and initiate fruitful cooperation.

The News is submitted by International Relations Dept of the University.

KSUAE student team entered the world top 20 in cybersecurity


KSUAE student team entered the world top 20 in cybersecurity

The KSUAE team of students on cybersecurity "BARS" took 20th place among 139 participating teams in the WatCTF world championship. Our university was represented by a team of bachelors of the Department of Digital Road Technologies: Vadim Akhmadishin, Vadim Baranov, Marat Gatin, Maxim Kotov, Ildan Khaibullin.

CTF (Capture the Flag) is an information security competition with tasks in several areas: - Cryptographic tasks (decrypting messages, cracking ciphers, creating your own cryptosystems and analyzing cryptographic protocols); - Search for vulnerabilities in software products, websites or networks (exploitation of vulnerabilities, detection of SQL injections, XSS and other types of attacks); - Reverse engineering (tasks requiring binary code analysis, program decompilation, search for hidden functions and restoration of source code from binary files); - Forensics or digital forensics (tasks related to analyzing digital traces, recovering deleted data, identifying users based on their digital footprints, and analyzing malware); - Networks and security (tasks that test skills in configuring and managing network devices, configuring firewalls, detecting and eliminating network attacks); - Penetration testing or penetration testing (tasks that simulate real attacks on information systems, including port scanning, password guessing, exploiting vulnerabilities, and analyzing network traffic); - OSINT or open source intelligence (tasks that require collecting information from open sources to solve a problem, such as determining IP addresses, domains, email addresses, and other information).

In March, the students will take part in the international open competition VOLGA CTF link

Information and cybersecurity skills will be useful to students of the Department of Digital Road Technologies in their future professional activities to protect intelligent transport systems (ITS).

The News is submitted by International Relations Dept of the University.

KSUAE team took 3rd place in the Tatarstan University Boxing Championship


KSUAE team took 3rd place in the Tatarstan University Boxing Championship

On March 10-13, 2025, the Tatarstan Republic Universities Boxing Championship was held. The competition was a tough fight between ten universities.

The KSUAE team led by coach Evgeny Arkhipov took third place. Our student Vladimir Vasiliev became the champion in the 71 kg weight category.

The following our students took second place in their weight categories: Saro Ayvazyan; Shokhrukh Mirzoshozoda; Yaroslav Kaurin.

The following studnets took third place in their weight categories: Azamat Khabibullin; Karim Valeev; Kirill Prokhanov; Askar Gazizov; Karim Lutfullin.

The News is submitted by International Relations Dept of the University.

KSUAE hosted the annual charity concert "Hand in Hand"


KSUAE hosted the annual charity concert "Hand in Hand" to help special children

On March 12, 2025, the annual charity concert "Hand in Hand" was held at KSUAE. The organizers of the concert are activists of the Institute of Construction Technologies and Engineering-Ecological Systems. The event attracted many spectators, among whom were not only university students but also representatives of the organizations "Kind Kazan" and "School for All", which help children with special needs. All funds raised from the charity fair will be sent to "School for All" to help children with autism spectrum disorder.

Talented artists performed on stage — students of KSUAE, children with autism spectrum disorder and a guest magician. The audience was touched by the story of a special child in a children's camp, listened to songs and poems performed by students and children, saw dance and theatrical performances. Particular attention was drawn to the performances of children with autism spectrum disorder, who showed their talents and skills. Their sincerity and joy from the performances touched the hearts of all those present.

The audience could take part in a charity fair: buy handicrafts created by students and paintings painted by children, or make a donation, and at the fair they were met by a unicorn animator. The concert ended with a joint song performed by the artists and children. The children received cute gifts from the Hand in Hand project, and the guests left the hall with unforgettable emotions and beautiful tulips.

The charity concert became a symbol of unity and support, reminding everyone that together we can make the world a better place. Sincere smiles on the faces of the participants and spectators once again confirmed that this format of the event is not only important, but also necessary for raising people's awareness of autism issues and creating a friendly society.

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The News is submitted by International Relations Dept of the University.