
We consider globalization one of our main priorities. Our University runs a large number of international projects and cooperates with various universities worldwide (see below) in various fileds of common interest: Civil engineering, Architecture, Design, Information technology, Urban planning, Road construction, Environmental Engineering and others. The fields of cooperation cover joint research projects, student and staff mobility, joint conferences, internships, workshops, master classes, summer schools, etc. KSUAE takes part and organizes numerous international events like conferences, round tables, workshops, summer schools and specialized exhibitions. Our academic groups engage foreign partners to enhance the teaching, learning outcomes, and research profiles of the partners involved.

We've had many International events held at our University in collaboration with our international academic partners.
Here you can learn more about them.  

Our researchers organize and take part in different national and international scientific conferences and panels. KSUAE holds scientific conferences, seminars, workshops with the participation of leading Russian and world researchers.
Our University organizes its own annual International research conferences.
Here you can learn more about them.  

Our University develops different forms of academic moblity (academic staff, researchers and all level students) with its international partners within Inter-institutional agreements or European Union's funding programmes.

We welcome International experts and professors specialized in the field of architecture, civil and industrial engineering, road construction, construction management and other areas of mutual interest.
Here you can take a look at our International guests who have visited our University for recent years.

Since 2012 our University has been taking part in the European Tempus and Erasmus+ Programmes, the European Union's funding scheme to support activities in the fields of Education, Training, Youth and Sport:

Key Action 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals (the mobility of students, faculty and staff members providing financial support within inter-institutional agreements between institutions from Programme and Partner Countries).
This Action mobility has been realized by our University with such partners as:
University of Pavia (Italy) in 2016;
Democritus University of Thrace (Greece) in 2019;
University of Basilicata (Italy) in 2021-2023.

Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices (organisations from different participating countries work together, develop, share and transfer best practices and innovative approaches in the fields of education, training and youth).
Within this Action 2 our University has  participated in the following projects

1) Tempus 530793-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-SE-TEMPUS-JPCR "Master programmes on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficicency in Buildings in Central Asia and Russia" (2012-2015), and

2) Erasmus+ Project 574049-EPP-1-2016-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP “Modernization of the Curricula in sphere of smart building engineering - Green Building (GREB)” (2016-2019).

3) Erasmus+ Project 618843-EPP-1-2020-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP "Capacity Building in Sustainablity for Architectural Heritage - SAH" (2021-2024).


bimOur University has good cooperation with the University of East London since 2012. Our collaboration is mainly developed in delivering of Dual degree programmes in Architecture, Civil Engineering and Construction Management. It's a GREAT opportunity for our students to earn both British and Russian BSc degrees during the same period of study, to gain VALUABLE KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS in the fields of architecture and civil engineering in the context of international practice and standards such as Russian industry standards, Eurocodes (UK BS EN), Asian Design Standards (ASMS), BIM technologies, sustainable construction, etc. Enhanced employability with globally-recognized qualifications.


International Relations Department of the University

All international activities of the University are coordinated by its International Relations Department as a negotiator with international universities and students. Its main function is to promote and develop international mobility, academic and research projects.

The Department assists International students applying to our University with the aim to study Russian as foreign language or to take our undergraduate (bachelor), graduate (master) or postgraduate (PhD) courses. It deals with both the recruitment, admission, visa support and accomodation of our overseas students.

The Department comprises also the Italian cultural centre in Kazan that provides everyone Italian language courses and spreads Italian culture in the region; develops relations with Italian academic institutions to give an opportunity for our University students to have academic internships in Italy.

In case of any inquiries or your interest in cooperation with our University you are always welcome to contact our International Relations Department:

Tel: +7 (843) 510 4648 / 526 9313

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Our University has academic and research relations with the following international institutions:



University of East London


University of Florence

University of Pavia

University of Basilicata

University of L'Aquila

Sapienza University in Rome


Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology


Construction Cluster of Slovenia


Democritus University of Thrace

National Technical University in Athens (NTUA)


Tabriz Islamic Arts University


National University of Architecture and Construction


Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


Kazakhstan National Research Technical University n.a. K.I. Satbayev

Karaganda State Technical University


Kyrgyz State University of Civil Engineering, Transport and Architecture n.a. N. Isanov


Khujand Polytechnic Institute of Tajik Technical University (KPITTU)


Sigma education consultant


Bukhara State University

Karakalpak State University

Tashkent University of Architecture and Civil Engineering



