KSUAE application selected for EU co-funding within the Erasmus+ Programme 2020!



Our University for the third time over the past 8 years has won the grant competition of the European Erasmus + programme, Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices; Capacity Building in the field of higher education

Among 88 applications submitted for the competition with the participation of Russian universities, only 12 projects were selected for EU co-funding as the best. Among the winners is our project "Capacity Building in Sustainability for Architectural Heritage (SAH)" with the participation of KSUAE as part of an international consortium of 10 universities in Europe (Italy,  Germany, Greece), Russia, Armenia and Iran.

The goal of the project is to jointly develop a new master's program (curricula and courses) in the field of sustainable development of architectural heritage, as well as to create innovative infrastructure in the context of growing interest in architectural heritage as a source of sustainable development of a territory with long-term socio-cultural and economic effect around the world.

This project is very important and relevant not only for our University, but also for Russia as a whole. The use of European experience the field will make it possible to train specialists capable of solving modern strategic tasks of sustainable development of the architectural heritage. The project will be implemented over three years (2020-2023). 

Congratulations to all the winners and wish you fruitdful realizationf of all projects!






graduationarch2020On June 8-9, 2020, the sixth graduation of 16 students of the dual degree programme KSUAE-University of East London (UEL) in the area of "Architecture" took place at our University. The presentations of graduation projects took place online. All presentations were entirely in English. The examination Board consisted of professors from the University of East London:
- Renee Tobe - Doctor of Architecture, Head of Research Programs in the History and Theory of Architecture, Professor; Honorary Professor of KSAUE; an active participant in all ongoing joint projects and events in architecture;
- Alex Scott-Whitby - Senior Lecturer in Architecture; founder and head of the ScottWhitbyStudio architectural studio; Honorary Citizen of the City of London (the title is awarded to Britons and foreigners who have contributed to the improvement of business relations between the United Kingdom and other countries, as well as achieved success and recognition in their field); currently leads one of three international teams in the final of the open international architectural and urban planning competition for the development of a general layout of the territory in the city of Almetyevsk, Republic of Tatarstan; very interested in cooperation with our university and alumni of our program;
- Maria Alessandra Segantini - professor of architecture; director of the architectural studio "C + S Architects" (London, Venice); author of numerous architectural projects; participant of the international conference KSUAE STCCE-2020;
as well as the teaching staff of the Institute of Architecture and Design of KSUAE, involved in the delivery of the programme.

The topics of the projects were various topical issues of architectural design: a multifunctional e-sports complex, reorganization of retail spaces of markets, a rehabilitation center for medical and social assistance for children and adolescents, residential, tourist, museum complexes, residential buildings, a biopark and many other interesting architectural projects.

Students successfully answered numerous questions from foreign experts. In the meantime. Colleagues from the University of East London noted the high quality of the projects completed, the unusual presentation format and the competent use of professional terminology in English. In addition, they gave each student some recommendations for even more successful implementation of future architectural projects, focusing on the sustainable development of the designed territories, ecosystem, landscape, which are important components in the world architectural activity.

All Board members wished the graduates success in their future careers and the implementation of their projects. We congratulate the graduates of 2020 with the completion of the Programme and with that in addition to the Russian bachelor's degree of KSUAE, they will get its international (British) equivalent - from the University of East London!

The KSUAE-UEL dual degree programmes have been delivered at our University since 2012.



Gradcivil2On June 5, 2020, the sixth graduation of students of the dual degree programme KSUAE-University of East London (UEL) in the area of "Civil Engineering" took place at our University. The presentations of graduation projects took place online. All presentations were entirely in English.

The rector of KSUAE, Prof. Rashit Nizamov, noting the long-term delivery of the British programme at our University, its achievements wished successful presentations to the graduates.
The examination Board consisted of the professors from the University of East London:
Peter Lakin - expert and senior lecturer in the field of BIM technologies and engineering surveys, Honorary Professor of KSUAE;
Fawad Inam - Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Programs, Professor of Mechanical Engineering;
as well as the teaching staff of the Institute of Construction of KSUAE, involved in the delivery of the programme in this area.

The topics of the presentations were topical issues of construction of multifunctional high-rise and residential buildings, parking spaces, a combined-type overpass, an exhibition pavilion, reconstruction of drainage systems and sections of highways. The Board noted the diversity of the problems touched in the construction industry. Colleagues from the University of East London noted the high quality of the completed projects and the competent use of professional terminology in English.

We congratulate the graduates of 2020 with the completion of the Programme and with that in addition to the Russian bachelor's degree of KSUAE, they will get its international (British) equivalent - from the University of East London!

The KSUAE-UEL dual degree programmes have been delivered at our University since 2012.

Remote meeting between the KSUAE and the University of East London


The administrators of the British programme at KSUAE held a remote meeting with the heads, tutors and teachers of the University of East London (UEL) in order to discuss the success of cooperation between KSUAE and UEL for recent 8 years, the results achieved and ways to resolve issues that arise during the delivery of the dual degree programme between the two universities.

Agreements were reached on the continuation of the delivery of the programme, closer interaction of the teaching staff on both sides, on the organization of additional advanced training of the teaching staff of KSUAE on behalf of the UEL, as well as on increasing the number of UEL lectures and master classes for the programme students starting from the new academic year.

UEL staff expressed their deep gratitude to KSUAE for the successful organization of the educational process within the programme and compliance with the terms of the annual examination sessions and reporting. The meeting participants wished each other successful and fruitful work, despite the prevailing circumstances in connection with the Covid-2019 pandemic.

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Remote exams within the dual degree programme KSUAE-UEL


Students of the dual degree programme KSUAE-UEL ("Civil Engineering" and "Architecture") passed exams remotely.

During the period of distance learning within the dual degree programme, the online written exams in the areas of Civil Engineering and Architecture with students of the first, second and third years of study were successfully passed. We express special gratitude to the coordinators of two programs in organizing online exams, as well as to the programme administrators.

Currently, online consultations are underway to train the programme graduates 2020 for the final projects presentations.

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