KSUAE was awarded an Appreciation Certificate for the great contribution to the development of the Kazan Volunteers movement


The volunteer center of our University has existed since 2012 but volunteer activities at the University have always been carried out. University volunteers take part in such promotions and events as visiting orphanages, caring for the graves of World War II veterans, visiting a shelter for homeless animals, collecting funds for New Year gifts for disabled children, the "Someone else's life is not a trifle" campaign, helping the elderly people during a pandemic. Volunteers take part in mass socio-cultural, informational and educational, preventive activities. Our volunteers closely cooperate with public organizations: "League of RT Students", "Academy of Creative Youth", "Directorate of Sports and Social Projects", etc.

Our volunteers were active participants in all Russian and world-class sports events that took place in Kazan. The KSUAE Volunteer Center was awarded a letter of gratitude from the "Association of Rett Syndrome" for assistance in holding the VIII World Congress on Rett Syndrome, a letter of gratitude from the House of Charity of Ronald McDonald, letters of thanks for the contribution to the implementation of the information campaign of the volunteer program.


Our students among the best at the International competition "Drawing of the Year 2020" (Denmark)

Our students among the best at the International competition "Drawing of the Year 2020"


"Drawing of the Year" is an international student competition of architectural graphics, which is held for the 7th time by the Aarhus School of Architecture. The competition is a joint collaboration with Schmidt, Hammer, Lassen Architects, Vola, and The Danish Arts Foundation. The aim of the competition is to celebrate the architect’s oldest and most important tool, and to continuously explore new tendencies in architecture through architectural drawing. The drawing process eventually leads to new thinking and to development of ideas for the one who draws. Further, the competition is followed up by an exhibition, and for three years in a row we have documented the 100 best annual drawings in a publication.Contestants' drawings are judged on originality and artistic expression, architectural composition, technical skills and message transmission. Every year, the jury includes world-famous architects (Tatiana Bilbao, partners of the Snøhetta bureau, etc.), which contributes to a high professional assessment of the participants works.

After years of focusing exclusively on digital drawing and mixed media, this year's competition treasures handmade entries only, celebrating the art and skill of traditional representation methods, encouraging mastering of hand drawing, and emphasizing the relevancy of communicating ideas through hand drawing.

From initial year's themes such as Engaging Through Architecture (2013), Transformation (2014), Habitation (2015) and Sustainability (2016) to recent year's more theoretically and societally engaged themes like Everyday Utopia (2017), Shaping New Realities (2018), and Post-Human Metamorphosis (2019), the competition has persistently addressed current architectural issues.This year's theme: Hand Me A Drawing.

Two our students (2nd year and 5th year of study) from the Architecture department took part in this competition and their drawings became the best among 8 winners 2020! Among the winners of the competition there were also students from two British schools of architecture: Bartlett and the Edinburgh School of Architecture, the third place was taken by a student from Aarhus, the university that organized the competition.

Congratulations to our winners!

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The Councelor of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan visited our University

The Councelor of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan  visited our University


Mrs.Olesya Baltusova, the Councelor of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan on restoration and conservation of architectural heritage, visited our University to discuss issues of architecture and heritage of the Republic of Tatarstan. She got acquainted with an exhibition of creative projects (drawings of architectural structures, historical heritage and modern urban development, natural landscape) of 2nd and 3rd year students of our Institute of Architecture and Design.

Our Rector Prof. Rashit Nizamov, Vice Rectors: Evgeniy Vdovin and David Kordonchik, and the Head of the Institute of Architecture Prof. Anna Romanova presented to the guest design projects for 2 new academic centers to be built at our University: Urban Planning Center (academic building No. 3) and Restoration Center "Miras-Heritage" (academic building No. 4), and also the design of the Center for wooden creativity "Agach" on one of the city streets. Mrs. Baltusova visited our renovated research and academic center emphasizing that since her last visit, the University has much сhanged regarding its spaces and facilities.

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The Chief Architect of Kazan city visits our University

The Chief Architect of Kazan city visits our University


Mrs Ilsiyar Tukhvatullina, the Chief Architect of Kazan, paid a visit to our University. The chief architect of Kazan got acquainted with draft designs for 2 new academic centers to be built at our University: Urban Planning Center (academic building No. 3) and Restoration Center "Miras-Heritage" (academic building No. 4), and also the design of the Center for wooden creativity "Agach" on one of the city streets.

After the official part of the meeting she met with our students. There was an interesting interaction with the students of the architecture department, many questions on architecture issues, graduation projects and future career of the students.The Chief Architect got acquainted also with the project proposals of students for the transformation of territories in Kazan with great interest, and expressed her readiness to discuss issues related to the development of the city. All meeting participants agreed to have such regular discussions on joint research projects and realization of student graduation projects.

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19 innovative ideas of our University awarded as the best



"50 Best Innovative Ideas for the Republic of Tatarstan" is an annual regional competition aimed at revealing problems of scientific, technical, economic, social and humanitarian development of our Republic of Tatarstan.
At the end of 2020, researchers of our University showed incredibly high results and won 19 awards for their innovative ideas and projects. Well done! Our congratulations!
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