Our researchers - winners of the Republican competition of young scientists!



On February 10, 2021, at the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, the General Reporting Meeting of the Academy was held where the winners of the 2020 Republican Competition for Young Scientists were announced.Our Rector Prof. Rashit Nizamov took part in it too.

The winner of the Republican competition of young scientists in the category "PRIZE" in 2020 was the Associate professor of our Department of roads, bridges and tunnels, candidate of technical sciences Sergey Stepanov for the scientific development "Highly effective modifiers of cement concrete hardening based on waste of processing aluminum products by anodizing method for the construction industry of the Republic of Tatarstan".

The winner of the Republican competition of young scientists in the category "GRANT" in 2020 was our Senior lecturer of the Department of roads, bridges and tunnels, candidate of technical sciences Anvar Islamov for the scientific work "Development of effective PVC materials for the construction industry, with improved technological and operational properties".

Our congratulations to the KSUAE winners!

Welcome to the webinar "How can startups help the construction industry become more circular?"



Thu, February 11, 2021

11:30 AM – 1:00 PM (CET time)

Within the collaboration with our University, the Slovenian Construction Cluster (Slovenski gradbeni grozd) invites our professors, builders, engineers, architects, representatives of construction companies interested in the topic to the online webinar "How can startups help the construction industry become more circular?".

The construction industry is the largest consumer of raw materials in the world with a relative share of carbon dioxide emissions.

The construction sector is also an important producer of waste, accounting for 25-30% of all waste generated in the EU, which in majority ende on landfills. For now.

At the same time, this means that the construction sector is an area with many opportunities for innovation, which is becoming even more important given the above-mentioned data, assuming that the global construction market is expected to grow by 85% by 2030.

Construction companies have the opportunity to respond appropriately in a number of areas, from the use of environmentally friendly and smart building materials to reducing emissions from existing buildings at all stages of the life cycle.

The lecture will present the German startup Concular, which supports companies in the construction sector in the use of sustainable practices through a digital platform for intelligent transmission of materials based on data during dismantling and new construction projects and real-time life cycle assessment. The Concular platform thus enables the reuse of construction materials, thus reducing the amount of construction waste, as well as the use of resources and the generation of greenhouse gases.

The platform is useful for builders, portfolio managers, architects, construction companies and retailers who want to reduce both material costs and carbon footprint.

The lecture will also present some successfully implemented projects in Germany, where the startup (and platform) Concular operates.

The lecture will be given by Mr. Dominik Campanella, one of the founders of the Concular. He has experience in computing and management, has worked for Google for several years and has already founded several startups.

The webinar is organized by the Slovenski gradbeni grozd (Construction Cluster of Slovenia) as part of the International Circular Construction Cluster initiative.

The webinar is held in English.

Participation is free.

Registration is here.

After registering, you should get a link to the zoom conference in response to the email received from the organizer after registration.


On the Day of Russian Science the KSUAE scientists are granted national awards


In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin the current year 2021 is declared the Year of Science and Technology. Moreover, annually February 8 is the Day of Russian Science.

Thereby a meeting of the Council for Education and Science headed by the President of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Republican Organizing Committee for the Year of Science and Technology was held at the Kazan City Hall. The represenatives of our University in charge of the Rector Rashit Nizamov participated in the meeting.

In the opening speech, the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov stressed: “The Year of Science and Technology in Russia gives us good opportunities to create large and effective platforms for the interaction of scientific and industrial spheres; active participation in projects with federal support; attracting young people to science and technology; broadcasting and popularizing scientific developments and scientists who are behind these discoveries".

At the meeting an award ceremony was held for scientists and researchers of the national universities. The Honorary Diploma of the President of the Russian Federation for merits in scientific and pedagogical activities, training of highly qualified specialists and many years of conscientious work was granted to our Professor of the Department of Information Technologies and CAD Systems, Doctor of Technical Sciences Fail Akhmadiev.

The Head of our Department of Foundations, Dynamics of Structures and Engineering Geology, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Ilizar Mirsayapov was awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor" for many years of fruitful scientific and pedagogical activity and his great contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists.

Congratulations to our scientists!

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Seminar for academic staff within the dual degree programme


On February 06, 2021 the academic staff of our University, engaged in the delivery of the dual degree programme KSUAE-UEL, participated in online seminar on "Student Assessment System: Bloom's Taxonomy".

The headliner and speaker of the seminar was Dr Dilyara Shakirova, the Expert on International Education, Institute for Educational Development of the Republic of Tatarstan, Institute of "Applied Semiotics", Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Dr Olga Poroshenko, Head of the International Relations of the KSUAE, made an introduction into the seminar and also announced about the transition to the UEL New Academic Framework within the British programme starting from September 2021.

Dr Shakirova talked about Interconnection of requirements for the quality of education, competence approach and ways to assess learning (education) outcomes; about International requirements for the quality of vocational education. In particular, she talked about the Taxonomy system: how to distribute complexly organized areas of reality into classes and groups; mostly about Benjamin Bloom's Taxonomy. Benjamin Bloom, a psychologist at the University of Chicago, proposed the taxonomy in 1956 as a method for assessing the success of teaching process. 

Such method is widely used in assessments of student progress within our dual degree programme KSUAE-UEL. Therefore, the staff engaged in the programme should know the subject very well.

This seminar is an advanced training organized from time to time for our staff and such trainings are mandatory for all programme leaders and module leaders of the dual degree programme KSUAE-UEL.

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KSUAE participated in the Erasmus+ Grant-holders' meeting


At the end of January 2021 within one week KSUAE participated in the Grant-holders' meeting of newly selected Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) projects. As a consequence of the travel restrictions imposed because of the outbreak of the COVID19, this year’s event was entirely online.

This event was dedicated to the representatives of CBHE projects selected in 2020 under the Call for proposals EAC/A02/2019.We should mention that last year KSUAE's application with the project "Capacity Building in Sustainablity for Architectural Heritage" for the Erasmus+ Key Action 2 was selected by EACEA.

The overall aim of the meeting is to address in detail issues related to the implementation of the CBHE projects, the operational management of the grant agreement and the financial rules applicable to the CBHE grant. The event also offered the opportunity for new and experienced coordinators to network and to share experience and good practice.

The meeting was divided into plenary sessions, parallel regional workshops, e-Booths and bilateral helpdesks:
1.The plenary sessions addressed the operational management of the grant agreement and the financial rules applicable.
2.The regional workshops addressed aspects related to the implementation of our project in the targeted Region, in our case in Russia.
3.The e-Booths offered a virtual space to foster networking and the exchange of information with key actors for the implementation of projects.
4.The bilateral helpdesks and meetings allowed individual projects to meet their EACEA Project Officers.

The participation in the conference was mandatory for all selected projects under the above-mentioned call. 

Among the headliners of the first day plenary session there was Prof. Muhammad Yunus, 2006 Nobel Peace Prize Winner as keynotespeaker. The speakers were also Ralf Rahders Head of Unit, EACEA (chairperson); Themis Christophidou Director-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture and Sophie Beernaerts Head of Department Erasmus+ and EU Aid Volunteers-EACEA.
For the other plenary sections, the regional workshops, helpdesks and the e-Booths the number of projects representatives was limited to a maximum of two persons per project, namely:
1.The project coordinator from the coordinating institution University of L'Aquila.
2.One representative from one of the beneficiary institutions located in a Partner Country. Our University became such an institution.

During the bilateral meetings and helpdesks the EACEA Project Officer Andrea Murzi that coordinates our project was interested in ways of the implementation of our project in general and pointed out strong and some other points of the application that should be reconsidered a little at the beginning of the project. Prof Anna Tozzi, University of L'Aquila, and Dr Olga Poroshenko, KSUAE, outlined their views what steps would be made to improve the application and submitted several questions to the Officer on management and financial issues of the project.

The representatives of the National Erasmus+ Offices in Russia and in Armenia participated in the meetings too.

All the participants of the bilateral meetinng agreed to have a Kick-off meeting in the nereast future where Andrea Murzi will be invited too.

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