KSUAE students organized a tournament in CS2

KSUAE students organized a tournament in CS2 among the University students
KSUAE students of the Institute of Transport Structures (ITS) organized a Counter-Strike 2 tournament. The tournament was held at the Cyber ​​Arena in the IT Park named after Bashir Rameev in full compliance with the rules of the professional scene, which emphasized its high level and serious approach to organization.
The strongest teams from different KSUAE institutes took part in the competition. This event brought together not only talented cyber athletes, but also many spectators who watched the heated matches with excitement. The tournament ended with the triumph of the Beton B60 team (Headquarters of student teams), who became champions. The Born to Build team (ITS) came in second place, demonstrating an equally impressive game.
The tournament was already the second major event organized by ITS in a year. We continue to develop the cyber sports movement among students and create opportunities for growth and self-realization in this area. We hope that eSports will continue to unite students from different fields, and our tournaments will become a good tradition!

Rector R.K. Nizamov - “Leader of the Year” of the “Athlete of the Year of the Republic of Tatarstan - 2024” award


Rector R.K. Nizamov - “Leader of the Year” of the “Athlete of the Year of the Republic of Tatarstan - 2024” award

Rector R.K. Nizamov — “Leaderof the Year” of the “Athlete of the Year of the Republic of Tatarstan — 2024” Award On December 24, the Volga Region State University of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism hosted the award ceremony for the winners of the “Athlete of the Year of the Republic of Tatarstan — 2024” Award. The award is organized by the Ministry of Sports of the Republic of Tatarstan.

In the “Leader of the Year” nomination, Rector Rashit Nizamov was declared the winner. “It was nice that the sports and physical education work of our university is highly appreciated,” the rector emphasized.

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The News is submitted by International Relations Dept of the University.

KSUAE Students - winners of the competition of student works on road safety and accessible environment

KSUAE Students - winners of the competition of student works on road safety and accessible environment
University students and students of secondary specialized educational institutions presented targeted comprehensive programs and innovative projects in the field of road safety. The results of the competition were summed up at the Scientific Center for Life Safety of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan.
The best projects in the nomination "Organization of Road Traffic and Accessible Road Environment" were presented by KSUAE stidents: 1st place - Zakhar Krasnoperov, student of group 1AD02, topic: "Application of additive technology in the construction of pedestrian overpasses". Supervisor - T.A. Zinnurov; 2nd place - Nailya Bogdanova, student of group 1GP01, topic: "Project for the transformation of the transport intersection at the intersection of P. Lumumba and A. Kamaleev streets in Kazan". Supervisor - O.K. Petropavlovskikh; 3rd place — Ruzilya Iskhakova, student of group 24SM38, topic: "Study of accidents at intersections of the section of the federal road M7 "Volga" within the Chuvash Republic with the development of measures to improve traffic safety." Supervisor — R.V. Nikolaeva.
The winners were awarded valuable prizes. Their scientific developments will be offered for use in activities to ensure road safety in Tatarstan.

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The News is submitted by International Relations Dept of the University.

KSUAE architecture students win international competition in India


KSUAE architecture students win international competition in India

The charitable foundation, the Indian Autism Centre (IAC), cares for people with autism spectrum disorders and other related conditions. They are building a large campus where the architecture and landscape create a powerful sense of identity and a genuine sense of place for its inhabitants. The campus architecture provides each user with the opportunity to fully realize their potential in a safe environment and helps the local community.

The foundation organized an international student competition to create a pavilion building that will welcome all residents and guests of the campus. It will house an information space; recreation areas, communication areas for employees and visitors; meeting places for users of the center and guests. The organizers encouraged the students to base their project on the ideals of simplicity and humanity, take into account the specifics of the campus and match the identity of the place. The students were given a detailed technical task, as close to reality as possible.

All in all, it turned out to be a complex but very interesting task, which was perfectly handled by the KSUAE architecture students under the guidance of their teacher Ilnar Akhtyamov. The 16 finalists of the competition included several projects by students of the TIArch studio: Artur Akhunov, Timur Abdrakhmanov, Valeria Burkova, Alexandra Ilyasova, Egor Kiselev, Radmir Valeev. And the winner was the team of 3rd and 4th year students Diana Iksanova and Alsu Sharafutdinova. They were awarded first place! The teams that took second and third places were formed by students from India.

Each project of the KSUAE student architects turned out to be a unique author's statement of the student with concern for people with autism spectrum disorder, taking into account the peculiarities of Indian architecture and their traditions.

The award was diplomas, as well as a statuette, which was carefully sent from India itself, plus a cash prize. We are proud of our students and how attentively they treat people when working on architectural space!

Website of the competition organizers

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The News is submitted by International Relations Dept of the University.

Rector took part in the meeting of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia "On the preliminary results of 2024 and plans for 2025"


Rector took part in the meeting of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia "On the preliminary results of 2024 and plans for 2025"

KSUAE Rector R.K. Nizamov took part in the meeting of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia "On the preliminary results of 2024 and plans for 2025". The Minister of Science and Higher Education V.N. Falkov held a meeting with the rectors of Russian universities. The event was attended by the heads of 225 universities subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

Valery Falkov drew the attention of those gathered to the fact that in 2024, the President of Russia signed three documents that are already influencing qualitative changes in the field of higher education and science. We are talking about the Decrees "On the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation", "On the National Development Goals of the Russian Federation for the Period up to 2030 and for the Perspective up to 2036" and "On Approval of Priority Areas of Scientific and Technological Development and the List of the Most Important Science-Intensive Technologies". In his speech, the Minister emphasized the main key points related to the implementation of state programs in the field of higher education and science.

In 2025, compared to 2024, the number of budget places allocated to universities for priority areas, within which engineering, technical, pedagogical and medical personnel are trained, is maintained and even increased.

The year 2025 will be dedicated to active actions to transition to a new model of higher education. "This is an evolutionary process associated with improving the system. Among the principles of work that will be laid down in the new model are strengthening the fundamental principles and high-quality practice orientation," the Minister said. Systemic measures to support universities that affect their development have been preserved. Among them are the construction of new campuses, the creation of advanced engineering schools, the Priority 2030 program, the creation of youth laboratories, the National Center for Medical Research, and work to update the instrument base. The existing programs of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia are being transformed to meet the tasks of technological leadership. Thus, starting in 2025, new criteria for assessing participants in the Priority 2030 program will be introduced. A competition for grant support for student design bureaus will be announced by the end of this year. The competition will be held in the first months of 2025. After the completion of the 2024-2025 academic year, the results of the project will be carefully analyzed in 50 universities where a pilot project to improve the quality of teaching fundamental disciplines is being conducted. In the future, the successful experience of these universities is planned to be extended to all other universities.

After the meeting, Rector R.K. Nizamov discussed current issues with the rectors of Russian universities of architecture and civil engineering.

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The News is submitted by International Relations Dept of the University.