KSUAE organized a master class “Magic from Plaster” for future applicants


KSUAE organized a master class “Magic from Plaster” for future applicants

A fascinating master class "Magic from Plaster" for future applicants - students of the Kazan College of Construction, Architecture and Urban Economy was held at the university. The event included an introductory tour of scientific and educational centers, during which the guests learned a lot about modern technologies in construction, and also received up-to-date information about the conditions for admission and further education at our university. The main stage of the event was a fascinating master class held at the Department of Building Materials by senior lecturer Aidar Khuzagaripov.

The children managed to combine creative and research work, discovering the properties of air binders. In the process of making products from plaster, the participants got acquainted with the method of determining the standard consistency of gypsum dough, as well as the setting time of the gypsum binder. The result of the master class was a pleasant bonus for each participant in the form of a memorable souvenir made with their own hands. As experience shows, such meetings with potential applicants help to increase interest in the areas of training at KSUAE, which allows young people to make the right choice of professional activity.

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The News is submitted by International Relations Dept of the University.

KSUAE students took part in the Festival "Formula of the Future"


KSUAE students took part in the Festival "Formula of the Future"

Third-year students majoring in Information Systems and Technologies in Construction took part in the Formula of the Future festival (Innopolis University). The festival was aimed at anyone who aspires to consciously build a career in IT.

The festival program included lectures from top speakers who shared their experience working in large IT companies such as T-Bank, X5, Kontur, and ICL. Opportunities for scientific research and development in the IT field were discussed. Experts talked about the advantages and features of freelancing and launching startups. As part of the job fair, major companies such as T-Bank, X5, Kontur, and ICL presented their vacancies and opportunities for internships and employment. Participants had the opportunity to practice writing resumes and passing interviews using simulators from And excursions in the quest format allowed students to get to know the university and its infrastructure better.

As a result of participating in the festival, students received answers to key questions about the future of information technology. Various career paths were revealed: from working in industry and science to freelancing and startups. Participants were able to establish contacts with representatives of large companies and receive valuable advice on building a career in IT.

The Formula of the Future festival became an important event for KSUAE students, providing them with a unique opportunity to learn about various career paths and gain practical skills. The event contributed to an informed choice of a future profession and the development of professional skills.

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The News is submitted by International Relations Dept of the University.


KSUAE took part in the International conference "Architecture. Construction. Transport. Economy" (St. Petersburg)


KSUAE took part in the International conference "Architecture. Construction. Transport. Economy" (St. Petersburg)

Head of the KSUAE Department of Construction Production Technologies  R.A. Ibragimov and assistant of the department, 4th year postgraduate student Yu.V. Bikaeva took part in the XXVIII International scientific and practical conference "Architecture. Construction. Transport. Economy" (St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering).

Almost 700 researchers and specialists from 32 cities of Russia and 8 foreign countries took part in the conference.

Head of the Department of TSP, Associate Professor R.A. Ibragimov made a presentation on composite building materials obtained on the basis of processing in the vortex layer apparatus (VLA). Assistant of the Department of TSP, postgraduate student Yu.V. Bikaeva presented the results of her research on the topic "Modification of the compositions and properties of magnesite binders and materials based on them with chemical and mineral additives." Remotely, the topic "Injection of stone vaults" was presented by a third-year postgraduate student S.V. Veryasov. The reports interested the conference participants and provoked an active discussion.

Members of the scientific committee noted the importance of cooperation between scientists from different universities and emphasized the importance of discussing scientific ideas that contribute to the further development of the material science industry. The speakers were asked questions and given recommendations based on the research results.

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The News is submitted by International Relations Dept of the University.

KSUAE took part in the X International Conference "Technologies, Organization and Management in Construction - 2024"


KSUAE took part in the X International Conference "Technologies, Organization and Management in Construction - 2024"
KSUAE Department of Construction Production Technologies and its postgraduate students took part in the 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Technology, Organization and Management in Construction - 2024" held in Moscow. The conference was moderated by Vice President of the National Association of Surveyors and Designers, Head of the Department of "Technology and Organization of Construction Production" of the National Research University Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Professor Azariy Lapidus.
The conference brought together representatives of the scientific community of technical universities and construction universities of Russia and neighboring countries.
At the conference, the head of the department R.A. Ibragimov made a report "Specifics of training bachelors, masters, postgraduate students at the KSUAE Department speaking about the major role of KSUAE scientific and educational centers in organizing practice-oriented training for students and developing research activities among young people. The topic of the report aroused great interest among the audience, and many conference participants noted that they had become acquainted with KSUAE centers during their visit to KSUAE, and expressed admiration for the conditions created for study and work.
At the section "Technology and Organization of Construction", KSUAE postgraduate students made presentations on "Development of Methods for Determining the Duration of Construction of Large-Panel Residential Buildings" and on "Research of Organizational and Technological Solutions for Recycling during Demolition and Construction of Buildings and Structures".
Following the conference, the KSUAE Department was awarded an honorary diploma.

KSUAE academic staff for experience change at the Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Engineering (Uzbekistan)


Teachers of the Institute of Architecture and Engineering of are exchanging the experience with the Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Uzbekistan)

Thanks to the Grant programme of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan "Algarysh", teachers, young scientists, and research staff of universities have the opportunity to undergo training, retraining, and internships in Russian and foreign educational and scientific organizations for almost 20 years.

This year, our teachers of the Restoration Department are for two-week internship in the area of "Restoration of architectural monuments" at the Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Engineering (Uzbekistan). As part of the internship, KSUAE teachers attend lectures on the history of architecture in Muslim countries, historical technologies for the construction of ancient monuments of Central Asia, exchange experiences in restoration practice, as well as teaching methods for key disciplines for architects-restorers.

The internship under the Algarysh program will allow for intercultural dialogue and gaining teaching experience at a foreign university. All this professional knowledge will be used in the educational process at KSUAE.

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The News is submitted by International Relations Dept of the University.