KSUAE international students took part in the People's Friendship Parade


KSUAE international students took part in the People's Friendship Parade

On June 12, 2024, the traditional Peoples' Friendship Parade dedicated to Russia Day was held in Kazan. The parade brought together several thousand people with tricolors in their hands. Representatives of almost 50 nationalities living in Tatarstan demonstrated the richness of their cultures in painted national costumes.

KSUAE international students from Afghanistan, Chad, Mauritania, Benin, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Egypt, Congo joined the participants of the People's Friendship Parade, took part in all the events of the holiday, dressed in bright and colorful national costumes.

The procession began on May 1 Square and, after a circle around the Kremlin, ended with a large round dance. Participants joined hands, symbolizing national unity, and sang folk songs, celebrating the cultural diversity and unity that characterizes modern Russia.

This holiday has become a vivid expression of how in Tatarstan, where 175 nationalities live, the traditions and culture of all peoples are respected and preserved.

More photos here and here

The News is submitted by International Relations Dept of the University.

Happy Russia Day!


Happy Russia Day!

Dear students, teachers, staff, our friends!

June 12 is Russia Day, one of the “youngest” public holidays in the country. Until 2002, it was called the Day of Adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia. On June 12, 1990, the first Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR adopted the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia, which proclaimed the primacy of the Constitution of Russia and its laws.

Today, Russia Day is increasingly acquiring patriotic features and becoming a symbol of national unity of the people of Russia and common responsibility for the present and future of the country. This is a holiday of freedom, civil peace and good harmony of all people based on law and justice.

Congratulations to everyone on our common national holiday! I wish you good health, success in your studies and professional activities, new achievements and victories for the benefit of our beloved Motherland! Go ahead, Russia!

Rector of KSUAE, Rashit Nizamov

The News is submitted by International Relations Dept of the University.

KSUAE Foreign student - “Miss Tenderness” of the student competition “Pearl of the World 2024”


KSUAE Foreign student - “Miss Tenderness” of the student competition “Pearl of the World 2024”

In Kazan, the results of the XV annual student festival “Pearl of the World 2024” have been summed up - a cultural event aimed at instilling in young people a sense of beauty, tolerance, respect, culture of communication and the art of communication.

In total, about 40 applications were submitted from Kazan students to participate in the competition. The competition itself consisted of four stages: the qualifying part, a literary evening, where participants read poems by the Russian poet Alexander Pushkin, hospitality lessons and the final itself. The competition brings together representatives of different nationalities who not only show their culture, but also get acquainted with the culture of other nationalities and peoples. Each contestant is a pearl of her country.

12 versatile, talented foreign girls studying in Kazan reached the finals to compete for the high title. Among the finalists were representatives of all CIS countries, as well as India, China, and Iran. The final of the competition itself included three stages: a catwalk show, a creative act and a story about the traditions of one’s family. At each stage, the girls performed in bright, colorful national costumes.

Among the finalists is Valentina Gonzalez Vazquez (Colombia), a first-year student at the Institute of Architecture and Design of KSUAE. As a creative performance, Valentina demonstrated a national musical number, singing a perky song in Spanish, as well as a national costume, which she sewed herself just a few days before the final. Valentina said that they had been preparing for the final for a long time: they attended master classes, trainings and rehearsals - everything turned out to be not in vain. Valentina received the title “Miss Tenderness” of the “Pearl of the World 2024” competition.

We congratulate our talented student and wish her further creative success!

The organizers of the competition were the Ministry of Youth of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Committee for Children and Youth Affairs of Kazan, the Youth Assembly of the Peoples of Tatarstan, the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution of the city of Kazan “Cultural Center “Saidash” and the Association of Foreign Students and Postgraduate Students of Kazan.

More photos here and here

The News is submitted by International Relations Dept of the University.

KSUAE is the champion of the Spartakiad of Tatarstan universities


KSUAE is the champion of the Spartakiad of Tatarstan universities

The results of the university championship of the Republic of Tatarstan - the student Spartakiad in 28 sports - have been summed up. If you look at the standings, you can see that we lost only to our colleagues from the sports university and from the university, which is an order of magnitude larger than us in terms of the number of students.

But If we create some relative system for assessing results related to the student population, we are the undisputed leaders!

The success of the KSUAE team is based on the sports atmosphere at the University, excellent sports facilities and traditions, a close-knit team of teachers from the Department of Physical Education and Sports.

We are proud of our athletes and love them!

More photos here

The News is submitted by International Relations Dept of the University.

KSUAE international students celebrated Russian Language Day and the 225th anniversary of the great poet A.S. Pushkin


KSUAE international students celebrated Russian Language Day and the 225th anniversary of the great poet A.S. Pushkin

On June 6, 2024, we celebrated the 225th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding poet, playwright and literary figure Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, as well as International Russian Language Day. Various events were held throughout Russia: theatrical projects, film adaptations, readings, conferences, exhibitions.

In Kazan, every year, admirers of Alexander Sergeevich’s lyrics gather on June 6 near the monument to Pushkin near the building of the Opera and Ballet Theater named after M. Jalil, where they talk about literature, lay flowers and, of course, read the poems of the great poet.

So, foreign students of the preparatory course of the Russian language of KSUAE from Turkey, Algeria, Mauritania, Yemen, Tunisia, Ecuador, with the assistance of the KSUAE International Relations Dept., as well as teachers of the Russian language, joined this significant event: they took part in the festive laying of flowers at the monument to A.Pushkin, listened to the poet’s poems and romances performed by cultural figures of Tatarstan, members of the Writers’ Union of Tatarstan and Russia.

At KSUAE, foreign students of the Russian language preparatory course attended a lecture on the work of A.S. Pushkin, learned interesting facts from his daily life, and also learned a lot of interesting things about the poet’s visit to Kazan in 1833.

Students also took part in a competition for the best reader of the poet’s works, citing the poem “I Remember a Wonderful Moment...”, excerpts from the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, an excerpt from “Tatyana’s Letter to Onegin” and the fairy tale “About Tsar Saltan”. Members of the jury from among the 1st year students of the Institute of Economics and Management in Construction of KSUAE noted the best readers who read the poems of Pushkin expressively, competently and emotionally. They were students from Turkey and Mauritania. The best readers were awarded books with the writer's works, as well as incentive prizes.

More photos here and here

The News is submitted by International Relations Dept of the University.