KSUAE staff took part in an international conference at the Russian University of Transport (Moscow)


KSUAE staff took part in an international conference at the Russian University of Transport (Moscow)

KSUAE postgraduate student Anya Ibragimova and senior lecturer of the Department of Highways, Bridges and Tunnels Olga Petropavlovskikh took part in the International scientific and practical conference "Design, construction and operation of transport infrastructure facilities in difficult climatic and engineering-geological conditions".

The conference was held at the Russian University of Transport (Moscow) and brought together specialists from Russia, China, Uzbekistan, Malaysia and Belarus.

KSUAE speakers made a presentation at the conference on the topic: "Polymer composites as a structural material for bridge superstructures".

The conference participants worked in plenary sessions and made reports. 78 studies were presented on new materials and technologies for increasing the reliability of infrastructure, methods of thermal stabilization of frozen soils, neural networks for predicting the condition of foundations, and methods for monitoring objects.

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The News is submitted by International Relations Dept of the University.

KSUAE graduation projects at the XXXIII International Competition on Architecture, Design and Art


KSUAE graduation projects at the XXXIII International Competition on Architecture, Design and Art

From October 28 to November 2, 2024, the XXXIII International Competition of Graduation Projects in Architecture, Design and Art is taking place in Yekaterinburg. This is a landmark event that annually brings together the best graduates and teachers from all over Russia and neighboring countries.

This year, the competition was hosted by the Ural State University of Architecture and Arts named after N.S. Alferov. The main events took place in the Museum of Architecture and Design of the Ural State University of Architecture and Art on Gorky Street. An exhibition of graduation theses of young specialists, noted for their high level of professionalism, was presented there.

This year, the competition brought together 59 higher education institutions and considered more than 900 works. The event also included the XXXIII International Competition of Scientific and Educational Literature on Architecture, Design and Art and the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Architectural Education: Development Trends".

From KSUAE, the projects of bachelors and masters of the Institute of Architecture and Design in the fileds of Urban Planning, Architecture, Restoration of Architectural Heritage Sites and Design were presented.

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The News is submitted by International Relations Dept of the University.

KSUAE hosted guests from Northeastern University of China and Russian Institute of Transport


KSUAE hosted guests from Northeastern University of China and Russian Institute of Transport

On October 28, 2024, KSUAE hosted representatives of Northeastern University of China and the Russian Institute of Transport. Among the the meeting participants were KSUAE Rector R.K. Nizamov, Vice-Rector for Research, Head of the Department of Highways, Bridges and Tunnels E.A. Vdovin; Doctor of Science in Engineering, Professor, Supervisor of the Doctor of the School of Resources and Civil Engineering of Northeastern University of China, Head of the Department of Tunnels and Underground Construction Zhao Wen; Doctor of Science in Engineering, Professor of Northeastern University of China Wang Shuhong; Head of the Department of "Bridges and Tunnels" of the Russian University of Transport A.A. Piskunov.

The guests visited our scientific and educational centers, knew about the innovative activities of the University, got acquainted with the current developments of scientists, teachers and students. The Chinese guests noted that KSUAE centers are also known in China. During the working meetings, the parties discussed the areas of scientific and educational cooperation between universities.

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The News is submitted by International Relations Dept of the University.

KSUAE student is among the best in the International competition of architectural projects Arch Skilled


KSUAE student Ksenia Andreeva is among the best in the International competition of architectural projects Arch Skilled

On October 24-25, 2024, the final of the 2nd International Competition of Architectural Projects Arch Skilled was held in Minsk (Belarus).

The contestants presented the concept of the designed objects, as well as the technical justification of the solutions they proposed for the selection of aluminum profile systems from the ALUTECH Group of Companies and AIG glass products in three nominations: – individual residential building; – multi-apartment residential building; – public building.

Among 57 competition projects that the jury considered in the semi-finals, only 15 projects were selected for the final stage. Among the 9 projects-winners there are two projects made by a KSUAE student.

In two of the three nominations, Ksenia Andreeva, a student of group 1KP01 of the Institute of Architecture and Design, was among the winners with the projects: "Low-rise residential building ANCORA in Yalta" and "Comprehensive school named after. Antoine Lavoisier in Yekaterinburg". The professional jury of the competition highly appreciated the projects of our student and especially noted the elaborated architectural and structural solution in combination with the expressive plasticity of the facades. The works were carried out under the supervision of Associate Professor of the Department of Architecture Aleksey Ivantsov.

We congratulate Ksenia and her supervisor on their success!

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The News is submitted by International Relations Dept of the University.

KSUAE took part in the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference on Road Construction Problems (Minsk)


KSUAE took part in the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference on Road Construction Problems (Minsk)

As part of the visit of the delegation of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan to the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, KSUAE Vice-Rector for Research Activities, Head of the Department of Highways, Bridges and Tunnels E.A. Vdovin took part in the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Construction of High-Quality and Safe Roads Using Cement Concrete and Mineral Binders" (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).

The conference was attended by road industry specialists and scientists from the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Uzbekistan, and the Republic of Azerbaijan. E.A. Vdovin made a report "Comprehensive Modification of Reinforced Soils in the Design and Construction of Highways", which aroused great interest among the conference participants. The Vice-Rector discussed with the management of the Belarusian Road Research Institute "BeldorNII" and the construction faculty of the Belarusian National Technical University the prospects for scientific and educational cooperation and participation in scientific conferences in Kazan.

As part of the event, E.A. Vdovin took part in a technical excursion to the facilities of the OJSC "Holding Management Company "Belavtodor", during which they examined sections of the second ring road around the city of Minsk and the applied construction technologies, features of maintenance and operation of highways.

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The News is submitted by International Relations Dept of the University.