KSUAE participation in International Architecture Festival "Zodchestvo 2020"

Our academic staff as part of the delegation of Tatarstan took part in the International Architectural Festival "Zodchestvo 2020" (Moscow)


The festival is organized by the Union of Architects of Russia. The theme of this year's festival is "Eternity", focused on finding and identifying modern trends in architecture and urban planning. Within the framework of the festival, lectures, master classes, round tables are held annually with a discussion of modern architectural trends and problems; presents creative projects of young architects, projects of students of universities and colleges, children's architecture schools, as well as the best projects of Russia.

Our University was represented by the staff of Department of Theory and Practice of Architecture. The stand of our region Tatarstan, which was called "Architecture of Tatarstan through a century", presents the main architectural objects and projects of the Republic of Tatarstan over the past 100 years, collected in an interactive river of time (time-line) for 10 decades.


Our students among the best at the international architectural competition in China

KSUAE students are among the best at the international architectural competition in China


The 9th annual international student architecture competition UIA HYP Cup, held under the aegis of the International Union of Architects, gathered thousands of participants. In 2020, students presented their works on the topic: City Puzzle & Puzzle City. Previously, our students have already become prize winners and finalists of the competition. Whereas this year two our teams received Honorable Mention: "The space of the city as a social product" by Zilya Mingazova, "Green max" by Adelina Gubaidullina and Anna Alexandrova. Other winners include students from Chinese, American universities (the University of Oregon, Washington University in St. Louis).

In her project, Zilya presented her vision of the future urban landscape, spatially complex, fluid, and multi-layered. Anna and Adelina presented a set of solutions on the topic of the ecological development of a city, the introduction of green farms, objects and spaces.




Participation in the International Forum KAZAN DIGITAL WEEK - 2020

KSUAE participated in the International Forum KAZAN DIGITAL WEEK - 2020


The international forum Kazan Digital Week - 2020 was held this year in the capital of Tatarstan at the end of September. The forum is intended to form one of the largest annual online and then offline platforms in Russia, within which the best practices, developments and expertise in the field of digital technologies will be concentrated. The main thematic areas of the Forum: Cybersecurity of the new era; Fintech ecosystem; Business-integrated innovation; Intelligent transport systems; Situational centers.

On September 23, the forum hosted a panel round table "How to attract an investor to a project: a step-by-step guide", the speaker of which was the head of the investment company A.Partners (venture partner of Scolkovo Digital).

Besides, within the framework of the forum, online technical visits to the innovation sites of the Republic of Tatarstan were organized. Pur University presented its world-class scientific and educational platforms “”, “Strength”, “Systems / Systems”, “Technology / Technologies”, “Roads / Roads”.

According to the results of the International Forum Kazan Digital Week - 2020, a collection of articles will be published, in which the works and teachers of KSASU will also be published.



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KSUAE exposition at the international exhibition ARCH Moscow 2020

KSUAE exposition at the international exhibition ARCH Moscow 2020



At the 25th anniversary International exhibition ARCH Moscow, the KSUAE exposition was presented in the "Architectural

education" section among the leading Moscow architecture universities. Academic staff and students specially for the exhibition invented and prepared an exposition demonstrating the high level of architectural education at our University.

In the exposition, the tutors asked for an answer to the theme of "hybridity" in architecture. Our exhibition is a hybrid of light and shadow, function and form, black and white, which is why it features hand-drawn ink graphics by Tiarch studio students, without the introduction of color.

At the opening of the exhibition, the honored guest was the Chief architect of Moscow, Sergei Kuznetsov, who carefully familiarized himself with the exposition of our University, highly appreciated the presented projects, noticed the excellent hand-drawn graphics and thanked the KSUAE tutors for the presentation.

KSUAE as an independent expert at the major international urban planning competition in Almetyevsk city



The regional oil company TATNEFT organized an open international architectural and urban planning competition for the development of a master plan for the territory adjacent to the national Almetyevsk town reservoir on the river Stepnoy Zay, the total area of ​​the considered territory is more than 1700 hectares.

115 companies from 16 countries took part in the competition, the jury members selected 3 consortia for the final, which continued to work on the project and presented on September 23 in Almetyevsk town.

The jury consisted of representatives of the TATNEFT company, municipal and republican authorities, specialists from Moscow, and also 3 independent experts were invited. As an independent expert at the competition our Associate Professor Ilnar Akhtyamov took part. Experts took part in the jury meeting, asked questions to the teams participating in the finals and presented the results of their comprehensive assessment of projects, according to the competition criteria. After the decision made by the jury the prizes among the finalists were handed over: 1st place - OBERMEYER Сonsult (Munich, Germany); 2nd place - IND Architects (Moscow, Russia); 3rd place - IQ (Moscow, Russia).