Happy Builder's Day!


Happy Builder's Day!

On August 11, 2024, Russia celebrates a professional holiday for all workers in the construction industry - BUILDER'S DAY!

We congratulate students, teachers, employees, graduates of KISI-KGASU, colleagues and friends, everyone whose professional career and life is connected with construction, on Builder's Day!

We wish you good health, creative success in your work, happiness and prosperity!

The holiday was first celebrated in the USSR on August 12, 1956. On September 6, 1955, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "On the establishment of the annual holiday "Builder's Day" was issued.

The profession of a builder is noble and honorable. A builder is a creator, a creator of something new and beautiful. The work of builders brings to life projects of residential buildings and public buildings, industrial facilities and structures of varying complexity, allowing our cities and villages to become well-maintained and comfortable for people to live in.

Happy professional holiday, dear builders!
