On the eve of Victory Day, our international students paid tribute to the heroes of the II World War


On the eve of Victory Day, our international students paid tribute to the heroes of the II World War

Annually, on 9 May, Russia celebrates its significant Victory Day, when the Great Patriotic War ended in 1945 by the victory of soviet army over fascists.
Every year for all Russian people it's a festive day.

KSUAE international students joined the solemn ceremony of laying flowers at the Eternal Flame near the monument to the Unknown Soldier in the Kazan Central Park, together with representatives of the multinational youth of Tatarstan.

With great interest, they listened and recited poems about the war in different languages of the peoples of Tatarstan.

Besides, at the University festive ceremony dedicated to this day, students from Colombia, Angola, Ecuador, and Benin sang together a famous Russian song "Katyusha" known in many countries.

Thank you, guys, for your respect and interest in the history of our country!

More photos here and here

The News is submitted by International Relations Dept of the University.
