Happy Great Victory Day!


Happy Great Victory Day!

May 9, 2024 marks the 79th anniversary of the Victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War. The Great Patriotic War changed the course of world history, the fate of people and the map of the world. Our people resisted the powerful onslaught of a highly organized and well-armed enemy - Nazi Germany and its allies. We survived and won.

These days we remember the great feat of the Soviet people in the fight against fascism, the harsh war years, the hard, selfless work of ordinary people at the front and in the rear, the feat of millions who died on the battlefields, from hunger and cold. The victory came at a high cost to our people. There was not a single family in the country that was not affected by the war.

And today the problems of security, independence and independence of the state are relevant. During a special military operation, our soldiers continue the feat of their great-grandfathers and grandfathers, fulfilling the tasks set by the country's leadership.

Today, more than ever, we must remember that terrible war and the great feat of our people in order to appreciate life, love each other, rejoice in the opportunity to study, work, raise children under a peaceful sky! Victory Day is a holiday that unites generations.

We remember our history - we are proud!

Dear veterans, students, teachers, staff, graduates, our friends and partners! Congratulations on the main holiday in Russian history - Great Victory Day! I wish you good health, success in your studies and professional activities, happiness and prosperity!

Rector Rashit Nizamov

The News is submitted by International Relations Dept of the University.
