KSUAE at the Russian Venture Forum


KSUAE at the Russian Venture Forum

The XVIII Russian Venture Forum 2024 became the most important event in the venture capital industry of the Russian Federation and set the main trends in innovative development and technological entrepreneurship. The forum brought together more than 4 thousand participants, over 200 speakers, about 100 representatives of investment funds, as well as more than 50 startup projects at the Kazan EXPO IEC.

The forum was attended by the KSUAE Rector R.K. Nizamov, teachers and students. The main topic of the plenary session of the forum was “Technological entrepreneurship: the space of higher competencies.” In the exposition hall of the Russian Venture Forum, a presentation of portfolio companies of the Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan (IVF RT) took place in the format of a pitch session.

At the event, 2 startup projects of KSUAE, winners of the “Start-1” competition of the “Idea 1000” innovation project support program of the IVF RT were presented: - Development of strengthened soils modified with activated fillers for the construction of highways (Neodortech LLC, director - assistant of the department of highways, bridges and tunnels N.V. Konovalov); - Development and implementation of a specialized composition of fine-grained concrete, additive technological processes in construction (AST Lab LLC, director - senior researcher at the Department of Construction Production Technologies L.V. Ziganshina).

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The News is submitted by International Relations Dept of the University.
