payment wallThe following mandatory fees should be paid starting from your application and arrival to our University:

1. Invitation letter fee / 1.300 rubles:
it is paid remotely (by bank transfer) before getting and sending our invitation document for you to get your Russian visa (as all international students need a student visa to come to Russia issued by a Russian Embassy or Consulate in their home country).
To get such an invitation document first
we need submit all your documents to our Federal Migration Office (FMO) that will issue it in 4-5 weeks after submitting our request.

2. Medical (health) insurance / 5.000 rubles:
it is paid upon your arrival to our University during first 10 days. The insurance covers all emergency medical treatment for the whole period of your study.

3. Tuition fee / 142.800 - 206.000 rubles
it is paid by bank transfer to the University bank account (see below) as soon as you are enrolled to the University and signed the Study Agreement. All actual tuition fees can be found here (Bachelor courses), here (Master courses), here (PhD courses) and here (Russian language courses).

As for the Russian language course the tuition fee is fully paid before getting the invitation document!

4. Russian Language Textbook / about 2 000 rubles: it is paid for your textbook that you will use during the entire period of your study only on Russian language course.

5. Accommodation fee our University hostel / 800 - 1.899 rubles:
the fee is given for 1 month
accomodation, paid by bank transfer, upon your arrival. The fee sum depends on what course students apply: undegraduate programs or Russian language course.

6. Annual medical tests and fingerprints / 6.050 rubles :

these are made and paid during 90 days from the date of your arrival to Russia. It is paid directly in the clinic at Korolenko Street, 54. These tests are made once a year, the fingerprints - only once for all years.

7. State Duty for Visa extension / 1.600 rubles:

Your first Russian visa is usually valid for 3 months. Then it should be extended for 1 year. You should pay the fee online or in a bank, 1 month before the first visa expiry date. Making the payment, be sure to check the spelling of your name and surname according to your Russian visa and your passport number, otherwise in case of spelling errors you will pay again the same fee. Bank details for payment.

Our bank details for any payments in Russia in roubles (in Russian):

ИНН: 1655018025
КПП: 165501001
Получатель: УФК по Республике Татарстан (КазГАСУ, л/с 20116X06860)
Расчётный счет: 03214643000000011100
Корреспондентский счет: 40102810445370000079
Код дохода: 00000000000000000130
Наименование банка: ОТДЕЛЕНИЕ-НБ РЕСПУБЛИКА ТАТАРСТАН БАНКА РОССИИ//УФК по Республике Татарстан г. Казань
БИК: 019205400
ОКТМО: 92701000
ОГРН (Основной государственный регистрационный номер): 1021602836485
ОКПО: 02069622
ОКОПФ: 75103
ОКВЭД: 85.22

Our bank details for any payments abroad (in English):

VAT number: 1655018025
Account holder:FEDERAL TREASURY for Republic of Tatarstan (KSUAE, client number 20116X06860)
Payment Account: 03214643000000011100
Correspondent Account: 40102810445370000079
Income code: 00000000000000000130
BIC: 019205400
OKTMO: 92701000
OGRN (Main registration number): 1021602836485 
