KSUAE student teams sum up the results of the third labor semester


KSUAE student teams sum up the results of the third labor semester

Autumn has come, a new academic year, and it's time to sum up the results of the third labor semester and tell how the Headquarters of student units of KSUAE spent it.

The student construction team "Kazan" this year went to the All-Russian student construction site "Peaceful Atom". The guys took 2nd place in the design layout competition, in the voiceover competition, and became the third in the dance competition and in the video competition. At the end of the season, the team became the third in terms of production indicators and entered the top five among the 50 teams.

The Student Pedagogical Unit "Ignis" worked as counselors in the "Blue Wave" campus and organized summer vacations for more than 250 children. 

Over the course of two months, the Alkor student construction brigade was pleased with its results at the Northern Lights MSS. The girls became the best in the competition of posters on the theme "Safe Present - Sustainable Future" and in the competition of promotional videos of the construction site, took 2nd place in the competition of detachment corners, at the creative festival in the nomination "Dance". In the literary competition they took 1st place in the "Author's Poem" nomination and 3rd place in the "Detachment Poem" nomination.

At the All-Union Sports and Athletics Games "Peaceful Atom", the student construction team "Irbis" showed good results. According to the results of the delivery of the TRP complex, the detachment took 3rd place, and the master of the detachment Kamil Shigapov became the silver medalist in the individual competition.

The labor semester of student service teams is still going on, but already now there are many victories of the Bars Student Service Unit and the Altea Student Service Unit. Thus, SServo Bars became the winner in the Art Masks competition and took 2nd place at the creative festival in the Fashion Theater nomination.

We congratulate the students with high results and wish them further success! 

The News is submitted by International Relations Dept of the University.

