KSUAE architecture students win international competition in India

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KSUAE architecture students win international competition in India

The charitable foundation, the Indian Autism Centre (IAC), cares for people with autism spectrum disorders and other related conditions. They are building a large campus where the architecture and landscape create a powerful sense of identity and a genuine sense of place for its inhabitants. The campus architecture provides each user with the opportunity to fully realize their potential in a safe environment and helps the local community.

The foundation organized an international student competition to create a pavilion building that will welcome all residents and guests of the campus. It will house an information space; recreation areas, communication areas for employees and visitors; meeting places for users of the center and guests. The organizers encouraged the students to base their project on the ideals of simplicity and humanity, take into account the specifics of the campus and match the identity of the place. The students were given a detailed technical task, as close to reality as possible.

All in all, it turned out to be a complex but very interesting task, which was perfectly handled by the KSUAE architecture students under the guidance of their teacher Ilnar Akhtyamov. The 16 finalists of the competition included several projects by students of the TIArch studio: Artur Akhunov, Timur Abdrakhmanov, Valeria Burkova, Alexandra Ilyasova, Egor Kiselev, Radmir Valeev. And the winner was the team of 3rd and 4th year students Diana Iksanova and Alsu Sharafutdinova. They were awarded first place! The teams that took second and third places were formed by students from India.

Each project of the KSUAE student architects turned out to be a unique author's statement of the student with concern for people with autism spectrum disorder, taking into account the peculiarities of Indian architecture and their traditions.

The award was diplomas, as well as a statuette, which was carefully sent from India itself, plus a cash prize. We are proud of our students and how attentively they treat people when working on architectural space!

Website of the competition organizers

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The News is submitted by International Relations Dept of the University.
