Students of KSUAE - the winners of the II round of the Open International Internet Olympiad

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Students of KSUAE are the winners of the II round of the Open International Internet Olympiad: theoretical mechanics - 1st, 2nd, 3rd awards, strength of materials - 1st award!

On April 7-8, 2023, on the basis of the Volga State Technological University, the II round of the Open International Student Internet Olympiad was held in the disciplines: "Strength of Materials", "Theoretical Mechanics".

The first round of the Open International Student Internet Olympiad in the disciplines "Theoretical Mechanics" and "Strength of Materials" was held at KSUAE on March 14 and 16, 2023. The Olympiad was attended by 75 students of KSUAE 1 and 2 courses of different areas of training. The students were offered 15 tasks in theoretical mechanics and 20 tasks in the strength of materials, for the solution of which 180 minutes were allocated.

The final results of the final (III) round of the Open International Student Internet Olympiad in the disciplines "Strength of Materials", "Theoretical Mechanics" based on the overall international rating will be posted on the website of the Internet Olympiad: on April 24-25, 2023.

The tutors of our participants: in the discipline "Theoretical Mechanics" - Associate Professor of the Department of Mechanics, Candidate of Technical Sciences Anvar Gumerov, in the discipline "Strength of Materials" - Associate Professor of the Department of Mechanics, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Farid Shakirzyanov.

Congratulations to the students of KSUAE with the victory in the second round!

The News is submitted by International Relations Dept of the University.
