Students of KSUAE Urban planning dept. became finalists of the International Winter Baikal Urban Planning University

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Students of KSUAE Urban planning dept. became finalists of the International Winter Baikal Urban Planning University

On March 11, 2023, the International Winter Baikal Urban University, organized by the University IRNITU (Irkutsk), ended. The main topic of the 2023 session is "Usolye-Sibirskoye - an industrial eco-city of the future".

Will a single-industry city live without its main enterprise? How to return to its former appearance, getting rid of the unspoken status of the "second Chernobyl"? Is it possible to recreate the city as a system of interaction between people, their communication, friendship? Will there be a strong connection between residents, nature and industry?

25 people from different cities of Russia (and even from other countries) were divided into teams and developed 5 fragments of the city. Students of the 4th year of the "Urban planning" direction of the Institute of Architecture and Design of the KSUAE: Nikitina Evgenia, Muratova Gulgena, Zakirova Kamil and Zenova Yaroslava - not only participated, but also won! Our girls' teams took 1st and 3rd places, as well as a well-deserved nomination for the most detailed analysis and unique proposals!

The News is submitted by International Relations Dept of the University.
