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BIM Technology in Architecture and Construction

bim2019Workshop and International professional development programme for civil engineers.

Objective: to examine the wide range of BIM-technology implementation solutions in architecture and civil engineering.

Object under analysis: building in the center of Kazan city as Federal Cultural Heritage Object.

Location and headliner: Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering (KSUAE), its Center of Engineering Systems in Construction «SYSTEMS» and Academic and Research Center «STRENGTH».

Technical support: Tatar Special Scientific and Restoration Department.

Working languages: English, Russian

Duration: 1 week

Number of participants: 20

Participants: KSUAE students of engineering and architectural sciences and dual degree programme KSUAE-UEL, teaching staff; practicing civil engineers working in the city of Kazan; professors of several Russian universities (St. Petersburg, Ekaterinburg and Krasnoyarsk).

Format: theoretical block, master-classes

Speakers and topics:

Professor Peter Lakin (University of East London University, Great Britain): 


Master class “Survey of cultural heritage using 3-D laser scanners”

Objective: BIM technology in survey of historic buildings

During the workshop Prof. Lakin in cooperation with the regional Tatar Special Scientific and Restoration Department explained the 3-D scanner functionining. Participants made a 3-D model of the building on the Bauman Street in Kazan under the supervision of Prof. Lakin.

The proposed 3-d Model of the building on the Bauman Street in Kazan is essential for the development of its restoration project.

All participants got KSUAE certificates for vocational training as well as international certificates.

More photos here.
