“Innovations and Quality Assurance of Professional Education”

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May 21st, KSUAE held a research conference “Innovations and Quality Assurance of Professional Education” – IQAPE-2021. This annual conference has uninterruptedly been held by the Department of Professional Education, Psychology, and Sociology for the last 15 years. The plenary session was opened by welcoming speeches of KSUAE rector - prof. R. Nizamov; and vice-rectors - assoc. prof. I. Vildanov, and assoc. prof. E. Vdovin. The session gathered eminent professors and theoreticians in the field of education such as prof. F. Ratner and prof. G. Ibragimov. The leading leitmotif of the plenary session reports was the challenges of online education faced by faculty members due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The scholars unanimously concluded that online education forms would never become a full replacement to the conventional ones, though they pointed out some of the advantages of remote education systems.

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