Our academic staff and students took part in the webinar "How can startups help the construction industry become more circular?"

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webinar2On February 11, 2021 within the collaboration with our University, the Slovenian Construction Cluster (Slovenski gradbeni grozd) held the online webinar "How can startups help the construction industry become more circular?" addressed to builders, engineers, architects, representatives of construction companies interested in the topic. The half of the participants were the students of the dual degree programme KSUAE-UEL, studying in the area of Civil engineering, which were very interested in the topic and asked particular questions the speakers. 

The webinar presented the German startup Concular, which supports companies in the construction sector in the use of sustainable practices through a digital platform for intelligent transmission of materials based on data during dismantling and new construction projects and real-time life cycle assessment. The Concular platform thus enables the reuse of construction materials, thus reducing the amount of construction waste, as well as the use of resources and the generation of greenhouse gases.The main speaker was Mr. Dominik Campanella, one of the founders of the Concular. 

The headliner of the webinar was Vladimir Gumiliar, the founder of the Slovenian Construction Cluster (Slovenski gradbeni grozd), organizer of the event. The cluster was established in 2004 by construction companies and institutions in the fields of building design, consulting, engineering, contracting and production of building materials and products.

The lecture also presented some successfully implemented projects in Germany, where the startup (and platform) Concular operates.

The issues concerning wood industry, deconstruction and mechanical connections methods, construction components were also touched during the discussion at the end of the webinar.

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