
To aplly for our academic programmes delivered only in Russian, the first and the most important thing is to know Russian language. You should be able to read, write and speak Russian well and submit a relevant certificate of your Russian language level. If you do not speak Russian you have to take any Russian language course and get a relevant certificate. It usually takes 1 or 1,5 academic years to learn Russian before sending any application for degree courses.

  We offer only offline courses.

If you are not less than 17,5 years old and not elder than 24 years old at the moment of your application, you are welcome to our courses.

✅ Priority to apply for our courses is given to those applicants which next year, after completing our courses, will apply for our University degree programmes (BSc, MSc or PhD programmes).

That's why we offer you only engineering and technical specialization of the preparatory courses with obbligatory additional disciplines: Russian language + maths, physics, informatics and drawing. 

Currently our University offers you one intake for the preparatory course:

     1️⃣ starting annualy in October and ending next June (9 months):

The course registration is open annualy from April till August, 15. We can issue you invitation letter earlier but your entry to Russia will be only at the end of September, closer to the course start date.

! The course fee will be known in April 2025.

No vacations during these courses, only during local and national holidays.

✅  Our University provides the dormitory for the course students.

The course starts upon minimum 15 students in 1 group.

The course costs are fully paid before getting the invitation document!                      


Some rules to follow during all courses:

- you should pass several obligatory intermediate written and oral tests during the course as it influences the final mark of the course, 

- you should do all obligatory hometasks given you at the lessons by our teachers, 

- you should attend the minimum 85% of our offline classes during the course to have the possibility for the final examination, otherwise you will expelled from the course and not be permitted to pass the final exam,

- you should always remember that your main reason of your arrival to Russia is studies, no reasons to miss lessons during the course are accepted, except some serious illness or fever,

- in case of any illness you should call a doctor and later submit the teacher a document confirming your illness and your absence at lessons. Otherwise your absence without any doctor confirmation is considered just as an ordinary absence without any serious reason,

 - at the end of each course you should pass final examination in Russian that will enable you to have a relevant certificate giving you the possibility to apply further for degree programme of any Russian University.


 To apply for the course, please be aware of that the invitation letter is ready not less than in 1 month from the date of submission of your documents to our local Migration Office.

APPLICATION PROCESS includes the following steps:

Step 1:

Till the application deadlines of both courses you send us an email (to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) including the following information and the copies of some documents:

-   Application Form completed with your data;

-   Copy of your travel passport valid not less 18 months (1st page) from the starting date of the course + its legalized translation into Russian;

-   Copy of academic certificates of your previous schools, with transcript of records; in case if you are going to apply for any our degree course after completing the Russian language course;

-   1 electronic ordinary small photo, like for documents (3x4);

-    City of your birth;

-    City of your residence;

-    City where you will apply for your visa;

-    What University degree programme you will apply after the course

-    Do you neeed a place in our student dormitory for the whole period of study.

Step 2:

We look through your application and if you meet our entry requirements we will contact you directly as soon as possible providing you with the information about next enrolment procedures. In case you accept and agree with all enrolment terms and deadlines you are obliged to inform us about it in writing by email as soon as possible to start the official invitation procedure.

Step 3:

If all your documents are correct, till the deadlines of both courses you should pay from any Russian bank account

- fee for your invitation document - 1460 roubles.

Your payment receipt is sent us by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Step 4:

After your payment is made, we start the invitation procedure submitting your documents to our Federal Migration Office (FMO) that ussually issues the invitation document in 4 weeks after submitting our request.

As soon as the invitation document is ready, we inform you that the invitation letter is ready and you will need to pay from any Russian account 100% of the course fee. After the payment made (the account details here), you send us a receipt and we send you an invitation letter to apply for your visa. Without this payment the inviation document is not sent to an applicant!

With the invitation letter you apply for the visa to the local Russian Embassy or Consulate of the city you  have indicated during your application. You can get the visa in your own country, or in another country only in case if you have a residence permit there. 

Be aware of that as soon as we inform you about your invitation readiness, you will have only 1 month to pay the course, to apply and get your visa and to arrive to Kazan. The first visa will be valid for 2 months and enables you to make only one entry to Russia. Further it will be extended for the period of your study at the course with multiple entries. Documents submission for your visa extension is made 1 month before the expiry date of the 1st visa, not later.

The entry date to Russia with our invitation letter is not earlier than 1 week before starting the course. 

Step 5:

After getting your Russian visa you should inform us first about your planned arrival date and only after that buy travel tickets to Kazan. You should arrive about one week before starting date of the course!

Step 6:

On your arrival to Kazan you should go to any city hostel for 2-3 days while you are making your medical tests and documents valid for the accomodation in our student dormitory: HIV, RW and X-ray.

Step 7:

All international students are required by law to be registered within 5 days after the entry into Russia with our local Immigration Office. If you miss this deadline you ought to pay a penalty of 2.000 rubles before applying for further registration.

If you are planning to live in any city appartment or other location, except the University dormitory, you should be registered there by the owner of the location within 7 days from the date of your arrival to Kazan. As soon as you get the registration document you should send or bring us its copy. Please be sure that the location owner must offcially register you in the city system, otherwise it is not legal and you will pay a penalty of 2.000 rubles before applying for further registration.

If you are planning to be hosted in our student dormitory (all international students live in our student hostel sharing one room with 3-4 students) within 2-3 days from the date of your arrival:

- first: you should submit recent HIV, RW and X-ray tests to be accomodated in the dormitory. You can do these tests in any paid clinic in Kazan, for example, at the student clinic at the Universiade Village, in Orenburg tract Street, 2.

- second: then to pay for the dormitory for the whole period of living based on 2115 rubles per 1 month, you can do it online. Payment destination should be in Russian strictly like this: "за проживание в общежитии, your name and surname". 

- third: next, with three documents and payment you go to our campus director, hostel No. 5 in Kalinina street, 19, to sign the Accomodation agreement.

Step 8:

As soon as you sign the Accomodation agreement, you are OBLIGED to submit immediately the following original and copy documents to the International Admission Office (contacts are below) to be registered and to extend your Russian visa (it is ready about 20 working days after submitting documents to the Migration Office):

-          your valid travel passport with all Russian visas available (3 copies);

-          your migration card (3 copies);

-          1 photo (3х4cm) (color or black/white);

-           accomodation agreement with our hostel (2 copies);

-              medical insurance (1 copy, if it is already available) or you pay it directly in the office (in cash);

-           copy of your academic certificates of your previous schools, with transcript of records;

-         payment of the State Duty for visa extension of 1920 rubles. You can pay it online or in a bank. Just be sure to check the spelling of your name, surname according to your Russian visa and your passport number, otherwise in case of spelling or bank account errors you will pay again the same fee;

-           pay for the student textbook that should have all students of the course to learn the language.

Step 9:

After having submitted all required documents and paid all the fees you will go to our student dormitory. The accomodation is realised during the working hours: 10 am - 4.30 pm.

Step 10:

According to the Russian law during 90 days after the date of arrival in Russia any foreign citizen should pass obbligatory specific medical tests (in Kazan fee 6 050 rubles in the clinic at the address in Korolenko Street, 54) for further fingerprints procedure.

With these tests results you should pass fingerprints at the passport office, it is for free. After this procedure you are given a green ID card as a foreign national.

The medical tests made for the fingeprints are valid for 1 year (should be renewed every year at the same clinic), the fingerprints are given only once in 10 years. If you don't have such a green card you will be: a) reduced the period of stay in the Russian Federation and later you can be prohibited to enter Russia during next 5 years; b) cancelled work permit in case if you work or temporary residence permit.

The students who don't pay the full cost of the course, don't have medical insurance, fingerprints card and payment of visa extension fee of 1920 rubles, are not extended the visa.

The students not attending the course and breaching the rules of staying in Russia are expelled from the University and are subject to deportation.

Please be aware: you have all required documents and stamps on your previous education certificates before your travel to Russia. More details here

For any additional inquiries you are welcome to contact us by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Our contacts:

Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering

International Relations Department

Admission Office

Opening hours: Mon-Fri / 10 a.m - 5 p.m

Kalinina Street, 43 - Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia

Academic building No. 3, floor 2, room 3-219

Tel: +7 (843) 526 9317 / 526 9313

Fax: +7 (843) 238 7972

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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