Ilfak Vildanov

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vildanov2Ilfak VILDANOV

Vice Rector for Education

Department: Institute of Building Technology, Engineering and Ecology Systems

Education level: higher education

Major: water supply and sewage disposal

Academic degree: PhD in Education

Academic title: Associate professor

Work experience: 20 years

Research interests: educational technologies in a technical university; pedagogical conditions of students independent readiness formation for educational cognitive activity; connection to production as a basis for continuing professional education in the education cluster; the method of designing objectives and content of professional education in technical higher educational institutional based on professional standards; principles of pedagogical management of vocational education; professional and pedagogical competence development of technical university teaching staff; implementation of pedagogical competencies of future bachelors of housing and communal infrastructure.

Number of Publications (for the last 5 years): 33, among them research papers – 30; teaching-methodical papers – 3; publications included in the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications recommended by the Russian State Commission for Academic Degrees – 5. 

Since May 2010 he is Vice Rector for Education of the University.

