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2020 12 27 19 48 53

 There are following sport sections at KSUAE:

* Students attending swimming section do physical training in the specially equipped fitness room at the sport complex “Builder/Stroitel” (main campus of KSUAE). The actual swimming training is done at another city swimming pool “Bureverstnik” outside of the campus.  

If you want to do any of the sports listed you should visit our Physical education department located at:

Zelenaya Str. 1, academic building No.8, room 406, sport complex “Builder/Stroitel” 
Tel.: +7 (843) 510 4739; +7 (843) 510 4740

Head of the Physical education department:
Kalmanovich Vladimir Lvovich
Tel.: +7 9033058396
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

IMPORTANT: Sports sections are available not for all students, but only for those who are already advanced in a particular sports and can take part in sports contests between KSUAE students and sport contests with other universities as a member of KSUAE team. So there is a selection process of students for each sports section. In order to take part in the selection process you should contact the Physical education department of KSUAE.
