Final International Conference within the Erasmus+ GREB project

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ficconferenceFinal International Conference within the Erasmus+ GREB project "Modernization of the Curricula in sphere of smart building engineering - Green Building"

After three years of the realization of the Erasmus+ GREB project "Modernization of the Curricula in sphere of smart building engineering - Green Building" the Final International Conference was held at our University with the participation of all consortium partners and National and Local authorities.

Brief outline of the project: The project «Modernization of the Curriculum in sphere of smart building engineering - Green Building (GREBwas realized within the European Erasmus+ programme, in category Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education, from 2016 till 2019. The project activities were carried out by the consortium of 15 European and non-European universities. The aim of the project was to update and increase the quality of curricula in sphere of information and construction engineering, focusing on High-Tech Green Buildings, in Russian Federation, Mongolia and Uzbekistan, using the experience of five leading European universities in order to meet the needs of sustainable development of a global world. For practical implementation of the developed curriculum a special network infrastructure – Network of Multidisciplinary centers “Green Building” was created and equipped with modern equipment for multi-point video conferencing. 

Location and headliner: Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering (KSUAE).

Duration:  4 days

Participants : Teaching staff and students (about 50 students) of all the organizations - consortium members, such as:

·             University of L'Aquila, Italy (main coordinator of the project)

·             Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, Austria

·             Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

·             Madrid Politechnical University, Spain

·             Construction Cluster of Slovenia, Slovenia

·             Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Russia

·             Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering, Russia

·             Astrakhan State University Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Russia

·             Ogarev Mordovia State University, Russia

·             International Public organization of assistance to construction education, Russia

·             Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Uzbekistan

·             Urgench State University, Uzbekistan

·             Karakalpak State University, Uzbekistan

·             Mongolian University of Science and Technology, Mongolia

·             National University of Mongolia, Mongolia

as well as experts of industrial enterprises, national and local authorities.

The important factor is that the about 50 students - members of international teams – were involved as conference speakers as well as attendees.

Plenary sessions addressed:

·         GREB project presentation by the University of L’Aquila

·         Keynote speech: Professor Rodrigo Aguirre,  (Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, Spain): Designing the future: Computational design research for self sufficient buildings

·         GREB project best results

·         Students’ projects exposition & presentations

·         Business plan presentation of the Network of Multidisciplinary Centres’ sustainable development after the project deadline and it’s discussion with the associated partners.

Guests of the Final conference visited the Island town Sviyazhsk (63 km from Kazan), the KSUAE campus, the Smart City Innopolis -  town of High Technologies (42 km from Kazan) and made a technical tour to “Ak Bars (Kazan) Arena”.

All guests and participants of the GREB project highly appreciated the infrastructure of KSUAE, the hospitality of the university staff, the high level of organization of the event and the beauty of Kazan!

More photos here.
