International Workshop for young architects "ArtPOLIS"

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The International School for Young Architects "ART Polis"

artpolis2Location and headliner: Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering (KSUAE).

The school was delivered with support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Duration: 2 weeks

Number of participants: 70

Participants: KSUAE students of Architectural sciences and dual degree programme KSUAE-UEL,  architecture students from 13 cities of Russia and countries of former Soviet Union. As well as the senior school pupils of Kazan schools (including students of Architecture and Design School of KSUAE “DASHKA”).

Object under analysis: Kazan theatre for young audience.


Objective: to create interactive transformable environment for conducting educational practices (performance trainings for children and young people, lectures, seminars, master classes, film screenings), festivals, exhibitions, performance art, as well as theatrical performances in various formats (including open-air) on the territory of Kazan theatre for young audience (including the disability service organization).

Sections: theoretical block, master-classes and practical historical site restoration project.

Speakers and report topics:


The participants were divided into 7 teams of 10 members each. Each of these teams was headed by a tutor, who was a professor of the Institute of architecture and design of KSUAE.

Teams explored and implemented one of the following aspects: interactivity, mobility, integrity, complexity, continuity, ephemerality and activity within the framework of common functional zoning.  Continuous communication between teams helped to preserve the integrity of the common idea.  

Phases of the project:

-  getting familiar with the design area, tour around all theatre areas and description of their theatrical features, conversation with director of the Kazan theatre for young audience. 

- team work on the project: information collection, brainstorming, project concept developing and preparation for presentation.

Result: Conceptual proposals embodied in info-graphics using analogue, main drawing sketches (layouts which  indicate functional areas, travel routes for visitors and staff and other information, section drawings, facades, extensions and other drawings which explain the technological solutions) overhead images (in collage form), showing what the new space will look like from the viewpoint of visitors. A list of technologies and technological solutions, which are to be used for the implementation of this project, has been drawn up.

The results of the project were presented to the Board consisted of the local authorities and experts as well as of  "ART Polis" School experts and KSUAE professors.

The implementation of this project is very important for the city of Kazan, as the development of culture gives impetus to the development of society and the economy as a whole, creates favourable atmosphere of the city. The territory of the Kazan Theatre of Young Spectators has great potential to become a center of culture, a place of creative development of the inhabitants of Kazan of all ages.

All participants got KSUAE certificates for vocational training as well as international certificates.

More photos here and here.
