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General information about the DUAL DEGREE PROGRAMME KSUAE-UEL

A feature of the proposed programme is the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills in the field of architecture and construction, both taking into account the regional and national characteristics of the Russian industry, and in the field of international construction standardization. This will concern the study of international standards in architecture and construction (Eurocodes, in particular, BS EN for Great Britain, Asian Design Standards (ACMC), etc.), BIM technologies, principles of "green" construction, approaches in modern world architectural style, IT design technologies etc. A graduate of the British-Russian programme will acquire the knowledge and qualifications necessary for successful employment in any country in the world.

In the modern world, the opportunity of employment in prestigious companies gives serious career advantages to a young specialist. Now KSUAE students have an excellent chance to achieve success in their future professional activities, having obtained the equivalent of a Russian degree - an international (British) degree from the University of East London (UEL, Great Britain)!

KSUAE is the only university in Tatarstan and the Volga region that implements a dual degree programme at the bachelor's level.

In May 2012, KSUAE and the University of East London (UEL) signed a Partnership Agreement and validated (accredited) KSUAE undergraduate academic courses in accordance with the standards of the British education quality system. Validation (accreditation) of an educational program (Programme Validation) is the process of evaluating an academic programme in terms of fulfilling certain requirements for the knowledge, skills and abilities (competencies) of a person who has completed this educational course.

As a result, KSUAE students have a great opportunity, while studying at KSUAE, to receive, in addition to the Russian degree, a British bachelor's degree from the University of East London (UEL), Great Britain, /) in the field of:

- Architecture / Architectural design

- Civil Engineering / Industrial and civil engineering

One training programme gives you the opportunity to simultaneously obtain two bachelor's degrees - Russian and British. This greatly increases the chances of a graduate to find a decent job both in Russia and abroad.

Within the dual degree programme, during their period of study at KSUAE, students, if they wish, can participate in two-week "summer schools" in London, at UEL campus.

Student of KSUAE→ graduate of KSUAE and the University of East London!

The first graduation of students of the programme took place in 2015.

In 2019, the fifth anniversary graduation of the students of the programme took place.

KSUAE is the only Russian partner of UEL which testifies to the trust in the quality of education at our university on the part of the British partner.

Features of the dual degree programme KSUAE-UEL:

- the British degree of the UEL is the international equivalent of the KSUAE degree, which confirms the international level of quality of the Russian graduate and eliminates the need for a procedure for the recognition by foreign employers of a Russian document on higher professional education.

- an exam session within the framework of the programme according to the standards of the British quality system allows for a comprehensive objective assessment of the student's knowledge and skills.

- democratic and quite affordable cost for obtaining a British bachelor's degree for a wide range of students.
