Alkiviadis Prepis

international guests Hits: 670

prepisThrace University of Democritus (Greece),


 April 3-7, 2017

The 5th International Conference "Cultural Heritage in the XXI Century" completed its work at KSUAE. Its honoured participant was UNESCO-ICOMOS expert Alkiviadis Prepis. On April 3-7, 2017, in architectural and educational space “” of KSUAE, V International Scientific and Practical Conference "Cultural Heritage in the XXI Century: Preservation, Use, Popularization" took place.

The conference was organized by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan state university of architecture and engineering,   Tatarstan republic division of All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments and the interuniversity public youth movement "Red Shield".

The plenary session was chaired by the head of the Department of Reconstruction, Restoration of the Architectural Heritage of KSUAE, Doctor of Architecture Galina Nadyrova. The speakers presented their reports on the most topical issues.   UNESCO expert, professor of the Thrace University of Democritus (Greece), UNESCO-ICOMOS expert Alkiviadis Prepis introduced a very informative and beautifully illustrated presentation on the topic "Preservation and sustainable development of traditional settlements in the context of tourism development and employment promotion: values yesterday, today and tomorrow" about the experience of revitalizing empty buildings in Greece.

The report of our colleague from Poland, professor, doctor of architecture, head of the Department of Architecture of Local Cultures of Bialystok university of technology Ezhi Ustinovich on history and modern trends in church Orthodox architecture in Poland “New-Old Gardzienice. Prospective archaization” was also listened with great interest.
