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There are several international professors acknowledged as Honorary (Emeritus) Fellows of our University because of our long-term cooperation with them and their participation in significant and large-scale joint events and projects.


Hose ASEBILIO (Spain)









Professor of Architecture at the Academy of Architecture in Mendrisio (Italy);
Сhief Architect of the city of Barcelona (Spain)

In 1999 Hose Asebilio became the chief architect of the city of Barcelona. The same year he was appointed an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects and was awarded the Royal Gold Medal in Architecture.

Under the urban planning leadership of Mr. Acebilo, Barcelona received numerous awards and achieved primacy on the international architectural stage.

In 2009 the professor Hose Asebilio “Barcelona Strategic Urbanistic Systems” establishes a group whose director he is to this day. He is also a member of the Board of Directors and Professors of the Barcelona University of Architecture. 

The professor Hose Asebilio was the Principal tutor during the International Seminar "Admiralty settlement" which took place in Kazan in September 2014 and was organized by our University with the support of the Kazan City Hall.

In 2014 Prof. Asebilio became an Honorary Fellow of our University.


Prepis ALKIVIADIS (Greece)









Professor of Engineering Architecture at the University of Thrace n.a. Democritus (Greece);
Expert of International Council on Monuments and Sites (UNESCO)

Prof. Alkiviadis was the Principal Tutor of series of workshops and master classes on strategic planning and management of cultural heritage at KSUAE over years. He gave numerous lectures on how to preserve cultural heritage and whether foreign experience could help in this regard.

 In 2015 Prof. Alkiviadis became an Honorary Fellow of our University.


Stefano BERTOCCI (Italy)


Architect, Professor of Architecture at the University of Florence (Italy)

Stefano Bertocci is an architect practicing in the restoration and renovation of architectural heritage in different parts of the world. He is an Honorary expert at UNESCO, Professor of Architecture at the University of Florence (Italy), Head of the research laboratory "Digital Technology in Architecture and Restoration" of the University of Florence, coordinator of the joint project of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Florence and KSUAE. This project has been existed since 2009 when the cooperation agreement between our universities was signed. Throughout the period of cooperation, Prof. Bertocci organized and participated in many joint events: conferences, master classes, workshops, lectures.

In 2018 Prof. Stefano Bertocci became an Honorary Professor of KSUAE.


Renée TOBE (Great Britain)


Architect, Professor and Reader for Theory of Architecture at the University of East London (UK)

Renée Tobe is Professor for Theory of Architecture at the School of Architecture, Computing and Engineering of East London University. She takes an active part in realization of the Dual Degree Program between KSUAE and the University of East London.

In November 2018 Professor Renée Tobe was an expert at the International Young Architect School "ART Polis", organized by KSUAE. She also participated in the KSUAE conference "SMART polis: sustainability, management, architecture, renovation, technology ".

In 2018 Mrs. Tobe became an Honorary Professor of our University.


Franco GROSSI (Italy)


Architect, Ergonomist, Professor of the Udine University (Italy) 

Professor Grossi has been teaching architecture and ergonomics at the Udine University in Italy. He also taught for several years at “Master School in Yacht Style&Design” at the University of Trieste (Italy). Moreover, he was the coordinator of the Russian-Italian working group on the introduction of new technologies and wooden constructions, with an innovative ergonomic approach.

During his official visit to KSUAE professor Grossi held lectures for our students on innovative European technologies in architecture and civil engineering, on basics of ergonomic design and on advantages of wooden architecture.


