Evgeniy Vdovin


vdovinEvgeniy VDOVIN

Vice Rector for Research


Department: Institute of Transport Structures

Education level: higher education

Major: Roads and airdromes

Academic degree: PhD in Technical Sciences

Academic title: Associate professor

Research interests:

building materials and products; impact of different kind of additives on the physical and mechanical properties of the road ground; effect of fibre reinforcement on cement-sand mixture for road construction; influence of the hydrophobic-plasticizing additive on the physical-mechanical properties of the crushed-sand-cement mixture; frost resistance grade of soil cement with complex additive in various infiltration and frost retreat environments; experimental introduction of the gravel-sand mixture treated with portland cement in combination with plasticizing and hydrophobicizing additives by road construction; structure of road soil cement compositions modified by complex additive based on organosilicon compounds and electrolytes

Number of Publications (for the last 5 years): 49, among them research papers – 45, teaching-methodical papers – 4; publications, included in the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications recommended by the Russian State Commission for Academic Degrees – 11. 

Languages: German


Work experience: 25 years

1998 - 2009    Assistant; Associate professor of the KSUAE Department "Roads"

2001 - 2008    Vice dean, then Dean of the KSUAE Road Faculty

2006 - 2009    Chairman of the Council of the Youth Social Movement of Young Scientists and Specialists

                      of the Republic of Tatarstan

2009 – 2014   Head of the Department "Research and design of roads", Head of the Department «Roads»

Since 2010     Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Regional Youth Social Movement of  

                       Young Scientists and Specialists of the Republic of Tatarstan.

2008 - 2010    Member of the Public Chamber of the Republic of Tatarstan.

2012 - 2017    Director of the Institute of Transport Structures of the University

Since 2015     Head of the Department "Roads, bridges and tunnels"

Since 2017     Vice Rector for Research of the University.


Diploma of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Transport and Roads of the Republic of Tatarstan for the project «Perspectives of the road network development of the Republic of Tatarstan up to 2010» (2006)

Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Tatarstan «In recognition of the work done in the field of youth policy» (2009)

Certificate of Appreciation of the Ministry of Transport and Roads of the Republic of Tatarstan «For fruitful work in training specialists and personal contribution to the development of the transport complex of the Republic of Tatarstan» (2010).      
